Configuring Retention Settings for File Versions in Edge Drive

You can configure the retention period of a file version, and the number of file versions allowed in Edge Drive.

By default, you can retain 10 versions of a file, including the latest version in Edge Drive and retain each version for 30 days.

Before You Begin

Before you can begin this procedure, you must have created an Edge Drive client. See Creating and Configuring an Edge Drive Client.


  1. In the CommCell Browser, click Policies > Subclient Policies.

  2. Click the subclient policy for the Edge Drive client that you want to use.

    Edge Drive subclient policies have the following naming convention: <Edge Drive client name> Subclient Policy

  3. Right-click Default subclient and then click Properties.

  4. On the Retention tab,in the Versions group, select the Enable Retention Rules for file versions check box.

  5. In the Minimum number of versions box, select or type the number of versions that you want to retain for each file in Edge Drive.

  6. To define a specific retention period for a file version, in the Retention period (in days) box, type or select the number of days you want to retain the file version in Edge Drive.

  7. Click OK to apply the retention settings to the associated Edge Drive client.
