Use this dialog box to select the retention rules by which you want to retain the data that was backed up using this storage policy.
Enable Data Aging
Allows the data from this copy to be pruned during a data aging operation as long as the retention rules of this copy have been met. If this option is not selected, the data from this copy will not be pruned and will be retained for an infinite amount of time.
If you disable data aging for this storage policy copy, the current retention rules selected will be saved; they can only be changed when data aging is re-enabled.
Inherit job retention from source copy
Select this option to inherit the job retention for manually pinned jobs in the source copy.
Enable Managed Disk Space for Disk Library
Allows the free disk space on the disk media of this copy to be considered before the data on the copy is aged. If there is adequate space on the media, the data will not be aged even if the defined retention rules of this copy have been met. If this option is not selected, data on the copy will be aged regardless of the available disk space. When this option is enabled, the retention criteria on disk mount paths is based on the parameters established in the Thresholds for Managed Disk Space section in the Mount Paths tab of the disk Library Properties dialog box.
For more information on Managed Disk Space for disk data, see Thresholds for Managed Disk Space.
Managed disk space for disk library prunes the data once the threshold capacity is reached. If the data needs to be preserved for longer period of time, then use Extended Retention Rules settings on the Storage Policy Copy. See Extended Retention Rules for more information.
This option is not supported for storage policy copy with deduplication.
Do not retain intermediate incrementals and differentials before a new differential
Specifies that intermediate incremental and differential copies preceding a new differential will not be retained. This is useful to minimize wasted disk space.
Ignore Job Dependency Check
Applicable only for snap copies.
You can select this option when the snap copies are configured with days only retention with 0 cycles. When you select this option, jobs are retained based on days retention. The latest incremental jobs (that have not met days retention) will not retain previous jobs in that cycle that are past days retention.
Spool Copy (No Retention)
Sets the retention rule on a storage policy copy to 0 days and 0 cycles. For NAS, Windows (CIFS), and UNIX (NFS) agents under NetApp and Huawei NAS clients, data backed up using IntelliSnap backup, the retention rule is set to one job instead of zero jobs (no retention).
Retain Snaps by Number of Jobs
Specifies the number of IntelliSnap backup jobs to be retained. When the total number of jobs goes above the specified retention number, the remaining jobs are pruned. Default is 24 jobs.
This option is available only on Snap Copy.
Basic Retention Rules for All Backups
The amount of time that you want to retain the data that is backed up via this storage policy copy, and the number of full backup cycles that you want to retain the data that is backed up via this storage policy copy.
If this storage policy copy is added as a dependent copy of a storage policy with global deduplication, then you can view the storage policy copy retention rules from the Dependent copies tab of the storage policy with the global deduplication.
Select from the following options:
Specifies that data will be retained for an infinite amount of time.
Retain for n days n cycles
Specifies the length of the retention period and number of retention cycles (not applicable for agents that do not have cycles).
Default is 15 days and 2 cycles.
For more information, see Data Aging - Data Retention Rules.
Extended Retention Rules for Full Backups
ForInfinite or n Days
Select the type of full backup to which the retention applies.
All Fulls
All full backups.
Hourly Full
The first or last full backup of every hour (each hour starts on 12:00am). This option is only applicable for Snap Copies.
Daily Full
The first or last full backup of every day (each day starts on 12:00am). This option is only applicable for Snap Copies.
Weekly Full
The first or last full backup of every week (each week starts on Friday).
Monthly Full
The first or last full backup of every month (each month starts on the first of the month).
Quarterly Full
The first or last full backup of every quarter (each quarter starts on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1).
Half Yearly Full
The first or last full backup of every half year (each half year starts January 1, and July 1).
Yearly Full
The first or last full backup of each year (each year starts on January 1).
Each selection must be in ascending order by the number of days and the selected rule type. The Basic Retention Rule must be set before Extended Retention Rules can be selected. Setting start times for the monthly and yearly extended rules do not have any impact on quarterly and half yearly rules.
Grace Days
Specify the number of additional days to consider with Extended Retention. If the last full backup job fails with in the defined extended retention criteria, then the next full backup job that ran in the specified grace days will be selected for retention.
Select the jobs from previous tier
Specifies that a full backup job that is designated to be retained can fall within the previous tier's timetable. For example, if two rules are defined as weekly and monthly, this option will allow the job retained for the monthly tier to be selected from the timetable of the weekly tier. Note this option is only enabled when there are two rules defined for extended retention.
For The Daily Full Rule and Hourly Full rule the Day starts at:
Allows you to select the time for which the hourly/daily extended retention rule will start. The default start time is 12:00 am. This option is applicable for Snap Copies.
For Weekly Full Rule the Week starts on:
Allows you to select the day of the week for which the weekly extended retention rule will start.
For Monthly Full Rule the Month starts on:
Allows you to select a particular day of the month for which the monthly extended retention rule will start. The default start time is the first of the month.
For all rules keep the:
First full backup of time period
If selected, the first full backup of each extended retention rule will be retained.
Last full backup of time period
If selected, the last full backup of each extended retention rule will be retained, providing there are no remaining full backup schedules for the same subclient during that time period.