Copy Properties - Selective Copy


Use this dialog box to view or change the properties of a selective copy of a storage policy.

Selective Online Full jobs are considered for Selective Copy for Oracle, Oracle RAC and SAP for Oracle agents by default.

Consider the following for DB2:

If you use the IntelliSnap feature a FULL job is either an offline full or online full job. If you use the traditional backup, a FULL job is online, offline, partial database full or command line full/

  • A DB2 full backup will be copied to a selective copy if the log job is run after the data job. You can start a log backup from log only subclient or threshold based command line log backup. If this is not the case, the data job is not copied to the selective copy and will have a "Log Link Pending" status.

  • A full backup has a one hour delay before it is copied to the selective copy.

  • Log jobs are not copied if they use a different storage policy. The log jobs will be retained by the log policy rules.

Automatically select Full Backups at frequency x:

  • All Fulls

    All full backups.

  • Daily Fulls

    The first or last full backup of every day.

  • Weekly Fulls

    The first or last full backup of every week (by default each week starts on Friday).

  • Monthly Fulls

    The first or last full backup of every month (by default each month starts on the first of the month).

  • Quarterly Fulls

    The first or last full backup of every quarter (by default each quarter starts on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1).

  • Half Yearly Fulls

    The first or last full backup of every half year (by default each half year starts January 1, and July 1).

  • Yearly Fulls

    The first or last full backup of each year (by default each year starts on January 1).

  • Advanced

    Click this button to modify the advanced backup frequency options in the Advanced Options dialog box.


    The following options appear on the Advanced Options dialog box only when Allow user to modify selective copy job selection period start time is enabled on Media Management Configuration dialog box. After enabling the parameter, close and re-open the CommCell Console to view these options on the Copy Properties.

    • Prev Period Start Time

    • Current Period Start Time

    • Next Period Start Time

    • Move Job Selection Period Start Time by [ x ]

    • Prev Period Start Time

      Displays the previous job selection time for a selected criteria (that is Every n Cycles/Days/Weeks/Months).

      For example, if you have selected every 2 days criteria on Jan 10 2013, the Prev Period Start Time displays Jan 08 2013 that means the full backup job was selected on Jan 08 2013.

    • Current Period Start Time

      Displays the current job selection time for a selected criteria (that is Every n Cycles/Days/Weeks/Months). This option allows you to decide which backup job for a selected criteria is qualified to be picked.

      For the above example, the Current Period Start Time displays Jan 10 2013.

    • Next Period Start Time

      Displays the time of the next selection of a backup job based on the selected criteria (that is Every n Cycles/Days/Weeks/Months).

      For the above example, the Net Period Start Time displays Jan 12 2013 that means the next full backup job selection is on Jan 12 2013.

    • Every [x] Cycle(s)

      Specifies that the full backup after the specified number of cycles will be picked to copy.

    • Every [x] Day(s)

      Specifies that the full backup after the specified number of days will be picked to copy.

    • Every [x] Week(s)

      Specifies that the full backup after the specified number of weeks will be picked to copy.

    • Every [x] Month(s)

      Specifies that the full backup after the specified number of months will be picked to copy.

    • Move Job Selection Period Start Time by [ x ]

      This option allows you to increase (+n) or decrease (-n) the selection period.

      Note that the above option changes will not reflect until you save the copy properties.

  • For Weekly Full rule, the week starts on x:

    Select the starting day of the week in which data is eligible to be copied to the selective copy for a Weekly Full rule.

  • For Monthly Full rule, the month starts on x:

    Select the starting day of the month data is to be copied to the selective copy for a monthly full rule. For selective copies that use a custom calendar, select the day of the month that corresponds to the starting monthly day as defined in the custom calendar.

  • For each time period copy the:

    • First full backup

      Specifies that the first full backup of the selected time period will be copied from the source copy to this copy.

    • Last full backup

      • Select most recent job if there are no more full backup schedules in current time period

        Specifies that the last full backup of the specified time period will be copied from the source copy to this copy if there are no future full backup schedules within the same time period.


        If you enable this option to select last full backups, but if you do not have any scheduled backup jobs then this option will select first full backup job. In this case, it is recommended to select Wait until the current period is over before selecting a backup for this time period option to avoid selection of first full backup.

      • Wait until the current period is over before selecting a backup for this time period

        Specifies that, after the end of the specified time period, the last full backup during that time will be copied from the source copy to this copy. Note that this option is not enabled if the source of the selective copy is defined with a zero cycle retention rule or is configured as a spool copy.


        If there is an existing selective copy with Wait until the current period is over before selecting a backup for this time period option and if the retention on the source is changed to zero cycle or the copy is configured as a spool copy, then you must change the selective copy option.

Do not Automatically select jobs

Select this option so that no backups will be copied to this copy unless they are manually selected for copy from the Job for Storage Policy Copy dialog box or the Select most recent full backup when auxiliary copy starts option has been selected from the Auxiliary Copy Job Options dialog box.

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