Create New Journal Policy (General)


Applies to: ContentStore Mailbox, and Journal Mailbox

Use this dialog box to create a new Exchange journal policy. Use the General tab to name the policy and to define what happens to the messages after they are archived.

Policy Name

The name of the Exchange journal policy.

After messages are archived, delete them from the server during the cleanup job

When this check box is selected, the journal messages are deleted from the SMTP server (ContentStore Mailbox) or the Exchange server (Journal Mailbox) after the messages are archived.


For the ContentStore Mailbox and the Journal Mailbox, cleanup is configured in the Exchange journal policy, and not in the Exchange cleanup policy. For the cleanup operation to delete journaled messages after they have been archived, you must select the After messages are archived, delete them from the server during the cleanup job check box in the Exchange journal policy.

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