Create SAP HANA Client / Modify Instance Property (General)


Use this dialog box to create a new SAP HANA client. or to modify the properties of an existing instance.

Pseudo-client Name

Type the name of the pseudo-client for the SAP HANA Agent.


Displays the name of the Agent to which this client belongs.




The SAP HANA instance number.

HANA Version

This is available for a multitenant database and is a read-only field. The SAP HANA database version.

SPS Version

This is available for a multitenant database and is a read-only field. The SAP HANA database SPS version number.

DB Isolation Level

This is available for a multitenant database and is a read-only field. The SAP HANA isolation level. This can be a value of Low or High.

DB Container Mode

This is available for a multitenant database and is a read-only field. The SAP HANA container that holds the database.

OS Username

The admin user.

hdbuserstore Key

If you connect to SAP HANA by using the Secure Store, then type the hdbuserstore key that you created.

Enable SSL

Select to authenticate access if the SAP HANA system is configured to use SSL connectivity.

SSL Provider

Type the service provider that is used for the SSL connection. Example, commoncrpto.

SSL Trust store

Type the name of the trust store, that stores the CA-signed certificates for the SSL connection. Example, sapcli.pse.

DB User Name and Password

Type the user name and password that you use to access the SAP HANA database.

hdbsql location directory

The directory that contains the SAP HANA hdbsql tools. This is usually in /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/hdb.

Commcell GUID (Applies to remote clients only)

The GUID of the source CommCell system.

Use this GUID to run cross-commcell restore operations from the remote client using the HDBSQL command line interface.

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