Creating Disk Network Storage Pool Using Command Line

Use the following sections to configure a Disk Network Storage Pool from the command line.

To configure Disk Network Storage Pools from the CommCell Console, see Configuring Disk Network Storage Pool.

Before You Begin

Configuration of a disk Network Storage Pool lets you create a disk library, configure storage policies, shares the MediaAgents and create the mount paths through a single wizard.


  1. Download the SP_creation.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Before running the command, review the Available Parameters.

  3. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af <location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName xxxxx -maInfoList/mediaAgent/mediaAgentName xxxxx -path xxxxx -enableGlobalDeduplication 1 -hostGlobalDedupStore 1 -enableDeduplication 1 -storage/path xxxxx -storage/mediaAgent/mediaAgentName xxxxx

    For example, run the following command to create a Disk Network Storage Pool with the following parameters:

    • XML location: c:\downloads

    • Storage policy (or the storage pool) name: storage001

    • Deduplication MediaAgent: ma001

    • Deduplication Database (DDB) path: c:\ddb001

    • Storage path: c:\storage

    • Storage MediaAgent: ma002

    qoperation execute -af c\downloads\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName storage001 -maInfoList/mediaAgent/mediaAgentName ma001 -path c:\ddb001 -enableGlobalDeduplication 1 -hostGlobalDedupStore 1 -enableDeduplication 1 -storage/path c:\storage -storage/mediaAgent/mediaAgentName ma002


After the configuration the following will be available in the CommCell Console:

  • A Global Deduplication Policy (Disk Network Storage Pool) under the Storage Pools node and under the Storage Policies node.

    Note: After creating a Network Storage Pool, you can create a storage policy and assign it to the Network Storage Pool. For information see Creating a Storage Policy with Global Deduplication.

    The following entities will be created and displayed under the Global Deduplication Policy (Disk Network Storage Pool) node in the CommCell Console:

    • Deduplication Engines

    • DDB and Partitions under the Deduplication Engines node

    • Disk Library under the Storage node with Library as the name suffix

      For example: storage001Library

  • A storage policy associated with the Global Deduplication Policy under the Storage Policies node and with the string 'SystemCreateSP' added as a suffix to the name.

    For example: storagepool-disk001_SystemCreateSP

  • All the existing Global Deduplication Policies will appear as Storage Pools under the Storage Pools node.

What to Do Next
