Creating a Storage Policy and a Snapshot Primary Copy


To configure the replica copy, you need to create a storage policy and a snapshot primary copy.

Before You Begin

Before creating a storage policy, configure a library on the CommServe server.

For more information, see Storage Policies.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Policies.

  2. Right-click Storage Policies, and then click New Storage Policy.

    The Create Storage Policy Wizard page appears.

  3. Follow the instructions in the storage policy creation wizard. On the Enter storage policy name page of the wizard (the second page), verify that the Provide the OnCommand Unified Manager Server information check box is cleared.

  4. In the Review your selections page, click Finish.

    The storage policy appears in the CommCell Browser.

  5. Right-click the storage policy, and then click All Tasks > Create New Snapshot Copy.

  6. In the Copy Name box, enter a name.

  7. Select the library, the MediaAgent, the drive pool, and the scratch pool that you want to use.

  8. Click OK.

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