Deploying Commvault from the AWS Marketplace

From the AWS Marketplace, you can deploy an AWS instance that includes Commvault software. The AWS instance is pre-configured to run the CommServe software, which you can use to back up and restore workloads that run in the AWS cloud or in on-premises deployments.

The AWS instance is provided as Commvault Backup & Recovery BYOL that you can launch as an Amazon EC2 instance using your existing AWS account.

The registration process completes as follows:

  • When you install the CommServe server with the m6.2xlarge instance, it will take approximately 30 minutes to complete the registration process.

  • When you install the FREL with the c5a.xlarge instance, it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete the registration process.

Deployment using the following procedure using the recommended deployment options takes about 20 minutes to complete. Depending on the configuration choices you make, it might take longer.

Before You Begin

  • In AWS Marketplace, review the information for Commvault Backup & Recovery BYOL, which includes the CommServe software and the instance operating system software.

    You can search for "Commvault" to find Commvault Backup & Recovery BYOL.

  • The AWS Marketplace offering requires the following AWS billable services to be deployed by the CloudFormation template: CLOUDFORMATION, EC2, EBS, S3, KMS, SNS, CLOUDWATCH. For details about AWS pricing, see The following AWS services are also deployed at no additional charge by the CloudFormation template: IAM, SSM.

  • To determine the requirements for the AWS Windows instance where the AMI will be deployed, see System Requirements for Virtual Server Agent with Amazon.

  • For authentication of the Amazon EC2 instance, obtain the key pair (access key and secret key) from the Amazon EC2 website under Security Credentials.

    For instructions, see Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Documentation.


  1. From the AWS EC2 Console, go to Instances, and then click Launch Instance.

    A wizard appears to guide you through the deployment.

  2. To choose an AMI, search for "Commvault".

  3. Select the Commvault Backup & Recovery BYOL AMI.

  4. Select an instance type that provides the available CPU cores and memory for the instance.

  5. Identify a network and subnet that are available for the deployment.

  6. If necessary, add additional storage.

    By default, the AMI provides 200 GB of storage.

  7. When you launch the instance, you must provide a key pair that can be used.

    You can use an existing key pair or create a new key pair as part of the deployment.

  8. Log on to the new instance.

    A PowerShell script automatically runs to configure the CommServe software. When the configuration is complete, the Commvault Command Center automatically opens and presents the Create new account dialog box.

  9. Enter the email address for the CommServe administrator and a password for the account.

  10. After the account is created, log on to the Command Center.

  11. Complete the initial setup as described in Complete the Core Setup Wizard.

Deploying a Commvault Linux MediaAgent from AWS
