Disabling Deduplication Database (DDB) Activity


Disable DDB activity on the production CommServe host.

Before You Begin

Login to CommCell Console as user with CommCell level Administrative Management capability.

About This Task

When you restore the CommServe database using a disaster recovery backup, the database restores to an older point-in-time. If Deduplication is enabled for any storage policy on the production CommServe, the Deduplication database (DDB) and CommServe database may not be in-sync. To avoid the inconsistency between DDB and CommServe database, disable DDB activity on the production CommServe before performing the disaster recovery backup.

If you do not disable DDB activity before performing the disaster recovery backup, you must resynchronize the Deduplication database when you move CommCell operations back to the production CommServe host.


  1. Stop All Jobs for Storage Policies Using the DDB

    Before disabling DDB activity, create a list of all the storage policies associated with the DDB and then ensure that no jobs are running for those storage policies.

    1. On the ribbon in the CommCell Console, click the Home tab, and then click Job Controller.

    2. From the Job Controller window, click the Storage Policies column to view the list of jobs that are associated with a specific storage policy.

    3. Stop all running jobs or wait for the jobs to complete.

    4. To temporarily stop the running job, right-click the job, and then click Suspend.

  2. Disable the DDB Activity

    1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe node, and then click Properties.

    2. Click the Activity Control tab.

    3. Clear the Enable DDB Activity check box.

    4. Click OK.

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