Downloading and Updating Workflows from the Commvault Store


If a predefined Workflow is available in the Commvault Store, you can go to the Commvault Store to download or update the Workflow. After the Workflow is downloaded to your CommCell environment, you must deploy it. You can also modify it to perform customized tasks. Workflows added to the Commvault Store can be downloaded at any time. Only Administrators can use the Commvault Store.

You can configure workflows to automatically update when a new version of a workflow is released. For instructions, see Configuring Automatic Updates on Commvault Store.

Before You Begin

To log on to the Commvault Store and download Workflows, you must meet the following requirements:

  • The Web Console package must be installed. For more information about installing the Web Console, see Installing the Web Console. (The Web Console feature is not available via the Download Center on the Cloud Services website.)

  • Your user account must be a member of the Master user group on the CommCell computer that hosts the Web Console.


  1. In the CommCell Browser, click Workflows.

  2. At the top of the Workflows page, click Software Store.

    The Commvault Store page appears and lists all of the workflows available for download.


    If you are not redirected to the Commvault Store page, click Store from the My Applications page in Web Console.

  3. Download or manually update workflows:

    • To install a new workflow, next to the workflow name, click Install.

      The Workflow is downloaded and installed on the CommServe computer.


      You must deploy the Workflow from the CommCell Console. For instructions, see Deploy a Workflow.

    • To update the workflow to the latest version, next to the Workflow name, click Update.


The workflow will appear on the Workflows page and Up-to-date will appear in the Updates column for that workflow.

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