Erasing Specific Spare Media Marked as Erasable


Run the Erase Spare Media operation on a specific spare media in a tape library that is marked as erasable.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Storage Resources | Libraries | <library> | Media By Groups | <Scratch Pool>.

  2. Right-click the appropriate media, point to Options and then click Erase Media.

  3. Choose how you want to erase the media:

    • To mark the contents of the media as unrecoverable, click Quick Erase.

      After the media is erased, the OML (On-Media-Label) is overwritten by a new OML when the media are recycled.

    • To physically erase the entire media, click Full Erase.

      Full Erase is a time-intensive process, and may take longer than Quick Erase to erase the spare media depending on the size of the tape.

  4. Click OK.

    A message confirms if you want to erase the media.

  5. Click Yes to run the erase media operation.

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