For Hitachi Vantara using HDvM
For Hitachi Vantara using HDvM, use this dialog box to specify the details of snap configuration.
Storage Device Group
Specify the name of the device group created on the array to be used for snapshot operation. This device group must be combination of <COW Pool ID>-<Label> or <Label>-<COW POOL ID>
Pool ID and Label is separated by hyphen and label should not contain any special characters and should not start with number.
Pool ID should be a number and is considered only for COW job and Label is considered for SI job.
If COW Pool ID is blank by default the value is considered as 0.
Use Devices only from this Group
Select this option to use devices with label match for ShadowImage jobs. When selected IntelliSnap operation selects S-VOL with label match. Note that ShadowImage job will fail, if no label match is found against S-VOL.
Enable Incremental Re-Sync of ShadowImage Pairs using aged clones
Select this option to reuse a deleted ShadowImage.
Always select DP volumes as S-VOL
Select this option to select Dynamic Provisioned volume for ShadowImage operation. Note that snap operation will fail if no Dynamic Provisioned volume is available.
Enable XML message tracing
Select this option to send XML request and response for all Hitachi Vantara snap operations.
HORCM Installation Home Directory Path (Windows only)
Specify the HORCM installation path, if it is not installed in default location (i.e., C:\HORCM\etc).
Name of HDvM client as visible in HDvM server if it differs from the client name
Specify host name of the HDvM client if it is different from the name available on the HDvM server.
Enable Quick Resync capability (if applicable)
If quick resync is enabled, Hitachi Vantara IntelliSnap does not wait till pair copy reaches 100%, the S-VOL can be used almost instantaneously to mount and perform backup operation. The quick resync feature reduces the Hitachi Vantara IntelliSnap backup job time because the copy happens in the background on the Hitachi Vantara storage array.
Do not use HDvM agent for Mount/Unmount
The parameter can help proper cleanup on the source if HDvM agent is not able to detect new devices.
The parameter can help detect new devices on the proxy, even though HDvM agent could not detect them.
COW pool ID can be specified using this snap configuration parameter, pool ID will be used for the COW snapshot creation, pool ID 0 will be used if the parameter input is empty. User can specify the COW pool ID using Storage Device Group snap configuration parameter, but precedence will be given to the “COW Pool ID” snap configuration parameter.
For Hitachi Vantara using CCI Engine
Use this dialog box to specify the details of snap configuration.
SVOL LDEV nickname: Limit the nickname to 20 characters. Name should have alphanumeric, or _(underscore), or –(hyphen) special characters. Name should not start with “IS_”. TI and SI jobs will pick S-VOLs matching this name.
CU range to be used to pick SVOLs
TI and SI jobs will pick SVOL with ldev_id in this CU range. CU range is a hexadecimal comma separated value. Example: 2-5, 8-C. This can be used in conjunction with SVOL Ldev nickname.
Create VVOL for Thin Image
TI snapshot VVOLS will be create automatically. This option can be used in conjunction with CU range and TI pool name.
TI pool to be used for SVOLs
TI snapshot data will be created in this TI pool. If no TI pool name is specified, TI snapshot jobs will fail.
DP pool to be used for SVOLs
SI SVOLs will be selected from this DP pool. If no DP volume that matches other filter criteria is found in this pool, the job will fail if.
Always select DP volumes as SVOLs
Only DP volumes will be picked as SI SVOLs. This option doesn’t specify any particular pool to be used.
Use preexisting clones
The job will pick SI pairs created by the user. This option will ignore all selection criteria above. Pairs will be automatically used for incremental resync after aging.
To pick a specific mirror, use this option in combination with SVOL LDEV nickname.
Enable Incremental Re-Sync using aged clones
Enable incremental resync of SI pairs created and aged by Hitachi Vantara IntelliSnap.
Enable quick Resync capabilities
SI pairs can be managed using the Hitachi Vantara quick resync command. Resync command can be issued with -quick option.
Enable quick Restore capabilities
SI pairs hardware restore can be performed using the Hitachi Vantara quick restore command. Reverse resync command can be issued with -quick option.
HostGroup to which SVOLs will be presented: By default SVOLs are mapped to the hostgroup where command device is mapped to. To override this, set the hostgroup name using <port>-<name> format. Ex: CL1-A-myhostgroup. SVOLs will be presented to this hostgroup during map phase. If proxy host is involved, specify proxy host’s hostgroup. GUI mount operation will not use this host group. Refer to Advanced for more information on GUI mount.
Enable command logging for troubleshooting
CCI command output will be saved in <base>/temp folder for troubleshooting purposes.
HORCM Installation Home Directory Path
Full path where CCI commands are installed. Example: C:\mydir\HORCM\etc. Restart CVMA services after changing this path.
HORCM Instance number to be used for Raidcom commands
Specify user created HORCM instance number to be used by Raidcom commands. Engine will not create a HORCM file for Raidcom command. HORCM instance will be started before Raidcom commands are issued.
Remote Snap MA
Provide the client name of the MediaAgent to be designated as Remote Snap MA.
Perform snap of an existing clone
Select this option to take a TI snap on a SI SVOL instead of PVOL.