Hardware Maintenance - Online Help


This topic provides information related to hardware maintenance.

Media Retirement

Use this dialog box to view or modify the retirement threshold values for tape media.

Media Retirement Thresholds

  • Media Type

    Displays the media type to which the thresholds apply.

  • No. of Read, Write Errors

    Displays the number of read, write errors that are allowed while writing to or reading from media before the media is marked as Bad.

  • No. of Years

    Displays the length of time that the media can remain in use before it is marked as Deprecated.

  • No. of Reuses

    Displays the number of times that the media can be recycled before it is marked as Deprecated.

  • No. of Media Label Errors

    Displays the number of errors that are allowed while writing the media label before the media is marked as Bad.


Click to modify the maintenance thresholds for the selected media type.

Drive Cleaning

Use this dialog box to view or modify the threshold values for cleaning drives in a tape library.

Drive Cleaning Thresholds

  • Drive Type

    Displays the drive type to which the thresholds apply.

  • No. of Read, Write Errors (Since Cleanup)

    Displays the number of read, write errors that a drive can encounter before it needs to be cleaned or fixed.

  • No. of Mount, Unmount Errors (Since Cleanup)

    Displays the number of mount, unmount errors that a drive can encounter before it needs to be cleaned or fixed.

  • Time (Hours) Used (Since Cleanup)

    Displays the total number of hours that a drive can be used before it needs to be cleaned.

  • Cleaning Duration (Seconds)

    Displays the total amount of time (in seconds) that the cleaning media must be run on the drive during a drive clean operation.


Click to modify the cleaning thresholds for the selected drive type.

Drive Maintenance

Use this dialog box to view or modify the drive maintenance threshold values for a tape library.

Drive Maintenance Thresholds

  • Drive Type

    Displays the drive type to which the thresholds apply.

  • No. of Read Write Errors (Lifetime)

    Displays the number of read, write errors that a drive can encounter before it is marked offline.

  • No. of Mount Unmount Errors (Lifetime)

    Displays the number of mount, unmount errors that a drive can encounter before it is marked offline.

  • Time (Hours) Used (Lifetime)

    Displays the total number of hours a drive can be used before it is marked offline.


Click to modify the drive maintenance thresholds for the selected drive type.

Library Maintenance

Use this dialog box to view or modify the retirement threshold values for a tape library.

Library Maintenance Thresholds

  • Library Type

    Displays the library type to which the thresholds apply.

  • Connectivity, Status Check Errors Since Fix

    Displays the number of connectivity, status errors that a library can encounter before it is marked as Broken.

  • Mount, Unmount Errors Since Fix

    Displays the number of mount, unmount errors that a library can encounter before it is marked as Broken.


Click to modify the maintenance thresholds for the selected library type.

SCSI Error Translator

Use the following parameters to translate SCSI error messages returned from a library.

The SCSI error message is a five digit hexadecimal code, such as 0x09 83h 02h. If the 0x0 and h are dropped the error message consists of the following three parts:

  • The first part (which is 9 in this example) is the sense key (SC) which is a hexadecimal number in the following range: A to F or 0 to 9.

  • The second part (which is 83 in this example) is the Additional Sense Code (ASC) and the third part (which is 02 in this example) is the Additional Sense Code Qualifier (ASCQ). Together, this provides detailed information about the error.

To translate the error code returned by the library, enter the SC, ASC and ASCQ and then click OK. The error message is translated and displayed in the SENSE CODE or ASC & ASCQ box.

Sense Codes

  • SC

    Specifies the sense code.

  • ASC

    Specifies the additional Sense Code (ASC)

  • ASCQ

    Specifies the additional Sense Code Qualifier (ASCQ)

Look Up

Click to display the description of the error code.

Error Description


    Displays the error message.

  • ASC & ASCQ

    Displays the error message.

Win Error Translator

Use the following parameters to translate Windows error messages returned by the operating system.

To translate the error code , enter the error code in the Error Code box and then click Look Up. The error message is displayed in the Error Description box.

Error Code

Specifies the error code.

Look Up

Click to display the description of the error code.

Error Description

Displays the description for the error.