Internet Options (Internet Gateway)

Use this dialog box to specify another computer as an internet gateway for specific operations, such as downloading updates and packages. When the client computer or Private Metrics Server is used as an Internet gateway, data is temporarily stored on the Internet gateway, and then sent to the CommServe cache.

No Gateway

When selected, specifies that no Internet Gateway be used to send and receive Metrics Reporting information, download software, or send log files.

Use Metrics Server

When selected, specifies that the Private Metrics Reporting Server be used as an Internet gateway to send and receive data. When you specify the Private Metrics Reporting Server as the Internet gateway, the following services will use the Internet gateway: Cloud Metrics Reporting and Send Log Files.

Use Client

When selected, allows you to specify the client computer that is used as an Internet gateway. When you specify a client as the Internet gateway, the following services will use the Internet gateway: Cloud Metrics Reporting, Private Metrics Reporting, Download Software, and Log Monitoring Cloud Policies.


Allows you to specify the client computer that is used as an Internet gateway to send and receive data. Only clients that are connected to the Internet appear in the list. From the list, select the clients that have the File System package installed.
