Options - 1-Touch for Linux


Recover To

Use this wizard to create the response file for the client computer which you want to recover. A response file saves the client configuration, which can be used later for Non-interactive 1-Touch Recovery.

Select Recovery Points

This is the first step in the wizard. In this step you can select the backup data which you want to use to create the virtual machine.

Backup Set

By default the data and client configuration backed by the default backupset is used to create the virtual machine.

If you want to use the data and configuration backed up by any other backupset, select the backup set from the list.

Recover from the latest backup and configuration

This option is selected by default. The latest backup data and client configuration is used to create the virtual machine. You can create the virtual machine using a backup performed at a specific point-in-time.

Select Point in Time

Select this option to specify the specific point-in-time. The backup performed at the specific point-in-time will be used to create the virtual machine.

You can specify the point-in-time as follows:

Restore Data Before:

Select a date and specify the time.

Time zone

The default time zone of the CommServe is selected automatically. Select the Time zone if you want to use the backup performed in a different time zone.


Click this button to go to next step.

Review Recovery Options

In this step you can change the client configuration. The response file will be created with modified client configuration.


Following options are available to modify the client configuration:

CommServe Host Name

The host name of the CommServe for the selected client.

CommServe Client Name

The name of the CommServe client.

IP Address

Enter the IP Address of the CommServe which is used to backup the client.

Use the currently logged in user account

This option is selected by default. The user account which you have used to login to CommCell console will be used to perform the virtualization or the restore job.

If you are using Active Directory User account to login to the CommCell console, enter the password for the user account.

If you have logged in as CommCell console administrator, the password is not required to perform the job.

Use a different user account

Select this option if you want to use a different user account to perform the virtualization or restore job. Administrator can create a separate user account to perform this job.

Enter the credentials for the user account.

Ensure that the user account has the following permissions:

  • Administrative Management

  • Browse

  • End User Access

  • Out of Place Recover

  • In Place Recover

  • Install Client

  • Agent Management

  • Overwrite on restore


Following options are available to modify the client configuration:

DNS Suffix

If you want to change the DNS Suffix of the client, enter the new DNS Suffix.

Primary DNS

Enter the IP addresses for Primary Name Server.

Secondary DNS

Enter the IP addresses for Secondary Name Server.

Tertiary DNS

Enter the IP addresses for Tertiary Name Server.

Network Configuration

Displays a list of all Network Interfaces available in the client. Select the interface which you want to use after the restore.


Click this option to add a new Network Interface.


Click this option to change an existing Network Interface.


Click this option to delete a Network Interface.

Disk Configuration

The Disk Configuration tab displays a list of disks available on the client computer. You can view following information about each disk:

Automatically scale down mount point sizes to fit the available disks

Select this option to scale down the mount points automatically to fit the available disks.

Mount Point

Displays the mount points assigned to the disk/ physical volume.

Disk / PV Name

Displays the name of the disk / physical volume associated with the mount point.

Mount Point Size (in GB)

Displays the mount point size. Double-click in this column to change the size of any mount point.


Select the check box in this column to select a mount point. The selected mount point will be added to the virtual machine. You can select only system mount points and add the non-system mount points later.

Restore Options

Following options are available to modify the restore options for the client:

Copy Precedence

If you want to use the client configuration and data available in a specific storage policy copy, enter copy precedence number for the specific copy.


Following options are available to modify the client configuration:

Clone Machine

Select this check box to clone the physical client.

New Client Name

Type the name of the virtual client.

New Hostname

Type the host name of the virtual client.


Click this button to generate the response file.