Performing a Full Backup for PostgreSQL



IntelliSnap backup and restore operations are not supported on Windows if the PostgreSQL server contains any user-defined tablespaces, or if data directory contains any shortcut to a file or a folder.

Full backups provide the most comprehensive protection of data.

Backups for any client start with a full backup. The full backup becomes a baseline to which subsequent backup types are applied. For example, a full backup must be performed before a log backup can be initiated.

To move snap to media, perform a backup copy operation. For more information, see Backup Copy for IntelliSnap Backup.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers > client > PostgreSQL > <FSBasedBackupSet>.

  2. Right-click a subclient, and then click Backup.

  3. Select Full as the backup type and click Immediate.

  4. Click OK.

You can track the progress of the job from the Job Controller. When the backup job has completed, the Job Controller displays Completed.


Catalog from snapshots is required for PostgreSQL agent. You cannot skip catalog.

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