Preinstallation Checklist for Secure LDAP Gateway Package


Use this preinstallation checklist to prepare the computers for the secure LDAP gateway package.


  • The secure LDAP gateway package must be installed on a Windows computer that has the Windows File System agent installed.

  • Port 81 must be open on the client computer that is running the LDAP gateway service.

Make Sure the Active Directory is Reachable from the Client/Proxy Computer

Make sure the Active Directory is reachable from the client/proxy computer (that is, you must be able to ping the Active Directory from the client/proxy computer).

Make Sure That the Proper SSL Certificate is Installed and Configured

Make sure the proper SSL certificate is installed and configured for LDAP on the client/proxy computer by using the Microsoft Ldp utility (an LDAP client query utility). For more information about Ldp, see the Microsoft Ldp website.

  1. Launch the Microsoft Ldp utility on the client/proxy computer as follows:

    1. Click Start, and then click Run.

    2. Enter ldp and then click OK.

    The Ldp utility appears.

  2. From the Connections menu, click Connect.

    The Connect dialog box appears.

  3. Enter the following information:

    • Server: Enter the name of the external domain server (for example,

    • Port: Enter 636 as the port number for the external domain server.

    • SSL: Select this option to check for the proper SSL certificate.

  4. Click OK.

    If properly configured for LDAP, the external domain server details will be displayed. If not configured for use with LDAP, an error message will appear, indicating that a connection cannot be made using this feature.