qoperation checkready



This command checks the network for client connectivity and generates a report to show if the client is accessible. The Summary Report is the default report displayed. You can also use the -dt option with this command for a detailed report.


checkready [-cs <commserve_host_name>] -c <client> [-sm <summary>] [-dt <detail>] [-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-h]



CommServe host name


Client computer name


Displays summary of check readiness


Displays detailed report on check readiness


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Checks if the client is accessible and displays a summary report in html format.

qoperation checkready -c shr90_2 -sm>"E:\detail.html"

Checks if the client is accessible and displays a detailed report in html format.

qoperation checkready -c shr90_2 -dt>"E:\detail.html"

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