The backup reconciliation feature is enabled by default for new subclients. However, on upgraded subclients, you must enable the feature manually.
You can also enable the backup reconciliation feature when you add a subclient to a subclient policy. For more information about subclient policies, see Define a Template Backup for File Servers.
If you experience slowness during the FileScan phase of the backup reconciliation process, then use the bIgnoreTrueUpChangeTimeCheck additional setting on the client computer. For instructions about adding an additional setting from the CommCell Console, see Managing Additional Settings.
The Retain jobs in previous cycle until Source Files and backup index are synchronized in latest cycle parameter is enabled by default in a Commcell environment. So, when you enable the backup reconciliation feature, the previous backup cycles are not pruned until a backup reconciliation is done in the current cycle. To prune the previous cycles without performing a backup reconciliation, you must disable the parameter.
The backup reconciliation is not selected by default on new subclients that you create using the command line interface.
Before You Begin
- You must have Indexing Version 2 on your client computer.
From the CommCell Browser, go to Client Computers > client > File System > backup_set.
Right-click a subclient, and then click Properties.
The Subclient Properties dialog box appears.
Click Advanced.
The Advanced Subclient Properties dialog box appears.
On the Advanced Options tab, select the Reconcile Backup check box.
In the Every n days from the previous backup job box, enter the number of days after which a new backup job automatically synchronizes the missing files.
The default value is 30 days, and you can specify a value of 7 days or more.
Click OK.
On the Storage Device tab, from the Storage Policy list, select a storage policy to associate with the subclient.
Tip: To create a new storage policy, click Create Storage Policy, and then follow the instructions in the wizard that appears.
Click OK.