Registering the Migrated Client Computers

To complete the migration of the client computers and to make the client computers available for operations, you must register them in the destination CommCell environment. If you migrated the MediaAgents also along with the client computers, then you must first register the MediaAgents, and configure new storage policies using the MediaAgents. After the registration of MediaAgents, register the client computers.



  1. Log on to the destination CommCell environment.

  2. From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Home tab, click Control Panel.

    The Control Panel window appears.

  3. Under Maintenance, click Name Management.

    The Name Management Wizard appears.

  4. Select Update CommServe for Clients (use this option post migration), and then click Next.

  5. From the Old CommServe host name list, select the CommServe host from which you are migrating the client computers, and then click Next.

  6. From the Available list, select the clients that you want to migrate, move them to the Selected list, and then click Next.

  7. On the Select Client Configuration page, complete the following steps:

    1. Under Source Options, unless you are certain that the connection to the source CommServe host is not required, leave the Try to contact Source CommServe check box selected.

      Note: If you clear the Try to contact Source CommServe check box, then, after you finish registering the migrated client computers, run the ChangeCSHostNameAfterMigration QScript on the source CommCell environment for all the client computers that you migrate.

    2. If you select the Try to contact Source CommServe check box, select one of the following options:

      • Deconfigure the migrated clients on source and remove datapaths: Select this option to deconfigure all the migrated client computers and to delete the data paths (the mount paths) that are associated with the MediaAgent client computers.

      • Do not deconfigure migrated clients on source, only disable client activity and datapaths: Select this option to not deconfigure the migrated client computers on the source CommCell environment and to allow restore operations from the client computers.

        This option disables all client activities such as backup operations and subclient creation. Also, if the client is a MediaAgent, this option disables write operations on the data paths (the mount paths).

    3. Under Destination Options, unless you are certain that you do not want to consume the license for the migrated client computers on the destination CommCell environment, leave the Consume Licenses check box selected.

    4. If you select the Consume Licenses check box, select one of the following options:

      • Only proceed if licenses are available for clients to be migrated: Select this option if you want to migrate the client computers only if enough licenses are available for all the migrated client computers on the destination CommCell environment.

      • Consume available licenses, migrate the rest as restore-only clients: Select this option if a limited number of licenses are available on the destination CommCell environment, and you want to consume the available licenses for the migrated client computers.

        The client computers that do not consume a license are registered as deconfigured client computers on which you can perform only restore operations.

  8. Click Next.

  9. On the Confirmation dialog box that appears, complete the following steps:

    • If you are migrating client computers from a CommCell environment of the same version as the destination CommCell environment, click Yes to register the CommServe host.

      The Register Remote CommCell dialog box appears:

      1. Enter the following information:

        User Name: Enter the user name to access the remote CommCell environment.

        Password: Enter the password for the user name.

        CommCell Host Name: Enter the fully qualified domain name of the remote CommCell environment that you want to use as a host.

        Select CommServe client located across a firewall: Select this check box if a firewall is configured between the source CommCell environment and the remote CommCell environment, and then select the pseudoclient from the list.

        Access database on remote machine: Select this option if a firewall is configured between the remote CommCell environment and the CommCell environment that hosts the Private Metrics Reporting Server.

        Port Number: Enter a port number that is not already used. Do not use ports 8400, 8401, 8402, and 8403.

      2. Click OK.

    • If you are migrating client computers from a CommCell environment of a version different from the destination CommCell environment, then click No to skip the registration of the CommServe host.

  10. If you cleared the Try to contact Source CommServe check box, click OK on the Confirmation message.

  11. From the Storage Policy list, select the storage policy that you want to use to store the client backup data.

    Note: To assign one storage policy for all the subclients, from the Change all selected Storage Policies to list, select a storage policy, and then click Apply.

  12. Click Finish.

  13. Click OK on the Confirmation popup.

  14. Restart the services on the client, the source CommCell environment and the destination CommCell environment.

    For instructions, see Restarting a Service.

  15. Check the readiness of the migrated client computers.

    For instructions, see Checking Connectivity from the CommCell Console.


The migrated client computers appear under the Client Computers node. If you selected the Consume licenses option, then the migrated client computers appear as configured client computers. If you did not select Consume licenses option, then the migrated client computers appear as deconfigured client computers.

What to Do Next

  • If you cleared the Try to contact Source CommServe check box, then run the ChangeCSHostNameAfterMigration QScript on the source CommCell environment for all the client computers that you migrated.

  • If you want to update the CommServe host with the status of the client computer every time that services are restarted on the client computer, add the bSendUpdateStatusToCS additional setting on the client.

    For instructions about adding additional settings, see Adding or Modifying Additional Settings from the CommCell Console.

  • If you migrated a client client computer that is behind a firewall or outside the network, push the network configuration from the destination CommServe host to the migrated client computer.

    To push the network configuration, right-click the migrated client computer, and then click All Tasks > Push Network Configuration.
