Report Selection (General)

Media Information Report

Use this tab to select the filter criteria of the status of media that is in library, to be included in the Media Information Report.

The individual filter criteria are listed and explained below.

Group By

Allows you to group by Barcode, Container, Last Write Time, Library, Location, and Storage Policy/Group Name, in the report.

Media Status

Allows you to select the media status to display in the report.

  • All

    Includes all of the types of media status in the report.

  • Active

    Includes the active media in the report.

  • Spare

    Includes the spare media in the report.

  • Read Only

    Includes read only media in the report.

  • Bad

    Includes bad media in the report.

  • Retired

    Includes retired media in the report.

  • Cleaning

    Includes cleaning media in the report.

  • Full

    Includes the media that are marked full in the report.

  • Appendable

    Includes the media that are marked appendable in the report.

  • Undiscovered

    Includes the media that are undiscovered in the report.

  • Foreign

    Includes media that are not related to the software in the report.

  • Overwrite Protected

    Includes media that were marked as Prevent Reuse and moved to the Overwrite Protect Media pool in the report.


  • Job ID

    Includes the Job ID in the report.

  • Aged Data

    Includes data that have been aged from media in the report.

  • Error and Usage

    Includes media error and usage information in the report.

  • De-configured Clients Only

    Includes media information for de-configured clients only in the report.


  • Empty Slots
    Includes the library slots that are empty in the report.

  • Media with Error Only
    Includes only the media with an error status in the report.

  • Media with Prevent Export Only

Retained By

  • Basic Retention Only
    Includes only the media configured with basic retention rules in the report

  • Extended Retention Only
    Includes only the media configured with extended retention rules in the report.

Save As

Click to save the selected options as a report template or as a script file.

When you save the operation as a script, each option in the dialog will have a corresponding xml parameter in the script file. When executing the script, you can modify the value for any of these XML parameters as needed.
