Restoring Full Instances


You can restore one or more instances (VMs) at a time. Instances can be restored in place (overwriting the source instances) or out of place (with a different name, or to a different protection domain or container).

When you perform an in-place restore operation using the Unconditionally overwrite Instance with the same name option, the restore operation retains the original Amazon EC2 system UUID for the restored instance instead of recreating the instance from backup data. For more information see, Inspect the system UUID.

You can specify the security group association for an instance as part of the restore.

Before You Begin

  • When restoring to EC2 from a VPC backup, the instance type for the instance that was backed up must be supported in EC2. If the instance type is not available in EC2, the restore fails. For more information, see the section on "Instance Types" in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux or Windows instances.

  • If a volume name was not specified for a volume under the source instance, the volume ID for the source volume is displayed in the VM and Disk column in the Restore Options for All Selected Items dialog box, and the volume ID is used to name the restored volume unless you enter a different value in the Change VM display name to column for the volume.

  • For streaming backups and backup copies, if the VSA proxy used for backups and restores is running on an Amazon instance, the proxy must be available in the same user account as the instance being backed up or restored, or you must configure the AWS account that contains the proxy as an Admin account as described in Using Resources from an Admin Account. This requirement does not apply to IntelliSnap backups.

  • For both in-place and out-of-place restores, the restored instance is assigned a new instance ID that is different from the source instance.

  • AWS tags set by users for an Amazon instance are backed up and restored.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > virtualization_client > Virtual Server > Amazon > backup_set.

  2. Initiate the restore from a subclient or backup set:

    • From a subclient: Right-click the subclient and select Browse and Restore.

    • From a backup set: Right-click the backup set, point to All Tasks, and click Browse and Restore.

  3. In the Browse and Restore Options dialog box, ensure that Full Virtual Machine is selected and click View Content.

  4. From the list of backed up instances, select one or more instances to be restored and click Recover All Selected.

    The Restore VM wizard launches and displays the Destination page.

  5. Specify the destination and the proxy to be used for the restore.

    By default, instances are restored in place to the original location for the source instances, and the restore is performed using the preferred VSA proxy for the virtualization client.

    • In Place: To restore an instance out of place, clear this check box.

    • Virtualization Client: Displays the virtualization client for the AWS account.

    • Proxy Client: By default, the preferred VSA proxy for the virtualization client is used for the restore.

      If you select a proxy that is outside of Amazon, the restore uploads volume information to S3 and uses the volumes to create the instance.

  6. To restore from a replicated snapshot:

    1. Click Advanced.

      The Advanced Restore Options dialog box appears.

    2. On the Copy Precedence tab, select Restore from copy precedence and select the copy that was configured as the snap replication copy.

      You can only restore from a replica copy on the source account.

    3. Click OK.

  7. Click Next.

    The wizard displays the Instances page.

  8. For an out-of-place restore, specify parameters for the restore:

    • Instance and Volume: This column shows the source instances.

      You can expand each instance to view the volumes in the instance.

    • Change Instance display name to: Enter the new display name for the instance.

    • Availability Zone: Select the destination zone.

    • To specify other Amazon Options, click Configure.

      The Amazon Cloud Options dialog box appears.

      Provide the following information:

      • VM Display Name - Displays the name of the instance.

      • Availability Zone - Select the destination zone.

        If you are restoring from a replicated snapshot, select a destination zone on the source account.

    • AMI Selection: (Optional) Commvault automatically selects an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that matches the operating system, platform, and the virtualization type.

      • To specify a set of AMI IDs for automatic selection, see Enabling Specific AMI IDs for Restores and Replication.

      • Instance Type: From this list, select an instance type that provides the available CPU cores and memory for the instance.

        If you choose Auto (the default option), the instance type is selected based on the corresponding settings for the source VM.

      • Instance Settings:

        IAM Role: To restore an IAM role assignment with the instance, select the role from the list.

        Key Pair: For Linux instances only, to restore a key pair with the instance, select the key pair from the list.

        Enable Termination protection: To prevent the restored instance from being terminated from the AWS portal, select this option.

      • Network Settings: Select an EC2 or a VPC network for the restored instances.

        Network: If you select an EC2 network, the second Network and Private IP fields are not displayed.

        For a VPC network, select a subnet and network interface for the primary network interface.

        Private IP: (Applicable only to VPC) If you select a new network interface as a VPC, specify a private IP that corresponds with the VPC.

        If you select a specific Private IP, the restore operation creates and attaches the network interface with that IP. If you leave the Private IP field blank, the restore operation creates a new network interface that matches the chosen VPC, and then attaches it.

        Security Groups: Select a security group for the specified network.

  9. Click Next.

    The wizard displays the Restore Options page.

  10. Optional: Select restore options:

    • Power ON Instance after Restore: Select this check box to start the instance automatically after the restore is complete.

    • Unconditionally overwrite Instance with the same name: Select this check box to replace an instance with the same name at the specified destination.

  11. Click Next.

    The wizard displays the Job Options page.

  12. Run the job immediately or configure a schedule for the restore.

  13. Click Next.

    The wizard displays a Summary page for the restore.

  14. Click Finish to submit the restore job.

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