Running Data Analytics on a Client Computer Group

You can perform Data Analytics on a client computer group from the CommCell Console to collect analytics information about one or more clients in a client computer group.


  • You can run Analytics on clients with the following agents installed:

    • File System Agents

    • NDMP Agent when a snapshot job is cataloged or there is a backup copy.

    • Macintosh File System Agent

    • Exchange Mailbox (Classic) Agent

  • You can run analytics on virtual machine (VM) groups when file indexing is enabled. For information on enabling file indexing for virtual machines, see Enabling File Indexing.

    Running analytics on VM clients is only supported at the client group level for client groups that contain VMs, not pseudo clients such as the virtual server agent.


Compliance Archiver jobs are not supported.

Before You Begin

  • You must have the necessary permissions and associations to run an Analytics job. For more information, see User Requirements to Run Analytics Jobs in the CommCell Console.

  • Ensure the appropriate file system or email agent is installed on the client for the type of Analytics job that you want to run.

  • Data on the client must have been backed up at least once.

  • Ensure the Index Server that you select is configured for Data Analytics.

    For more information, see Getting Started with Data Analytics.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computer Groups.

  2. Right-click the client computer group, point to All Tasks, and then click Run Analytics.

  3. In Data Analytics Options: client computer group, configure the options for the analytics operation:

    • To collect file system data, click Files.

    • To collect email data, click Emails.

    • Click the Select Index Server list and select the Index Server you want to use.

    • Under Number of Readers, configure the number of data streams that you want to use on the Index Server for this operation.

    • Optional: If you have previously run Data Analytics on the client group with the same Index Server and want to delete the existing analytics data before running this job, select Clean Up Analyzed Data (if any).


      If you select Clean Up Analyzed Data (if any), you cannot recover the previous analytics data, even if the job fails.

  4. Optional: If you want to schedule the analytics operation, click Job Initiation and configure the scheduling options. For more information, see Scheduling Data Analytics Operations.

  5. Optional: To configure advanced job options, click Advanced and configure the advanced options. For more information, see Configuring Advanced Options for Data Analytics Operations.

  6. When finished, click OK to run the operation as scheduled.


After you run analytics on the client group, the client group appears in the list of Data Analytics reports in the Web Console.

For more information, see Data Analytics Reports.
