SAP HANA Restore and Clone Options


Select your restore options

Destination Client

This list contains the destination clients that you can use for the restore.

Destination Instance

This list contains the destination instances that you can use for the restore.

Destination Database

If you restore a tenant database, then you can restore to a different database name from the source. The destination SID must topology as the source SID.

Destination Instance SAP HANA directory

The full path where the destination instance resides. For example, if the SAP HANA SID path is hana/data/SID, then set the Destination Instance SAP HANA directory to: /hana/data.


This is required for IntelliSnap cross instance and cross machine restores.

Recover Database to

The option to restore the entire database

Select Most Recent State to restore the database to the most recent state.

Select Point In Time to restore the database to a specified point-in-time.

Select the date and time.


If the time zone is different on the CommServe computer and client, in the Time Zone box, select the client computer time zone.

Recover Data Only

Select this option when you want to perform a data only restore. If you want to use this option, then you must restore from a full backup.

You can restore by specifying the SAP HANA backup prefix, or the Commvault internal backup id.

If you restore by specifying the Commvault internal backup job ID, then you must have the catalog backup available with backint.

If you restore by specifying the SAP HANA backup prefix, then you do not have to have the catalog backup available with backint.

  • Backup prefix

    The SAP HANA backup prefix that you used for the backup job. The Commvault software creates the backup prefix by pre-pending the job ID to the backup prefix. For example




    You can view the backup prefix on the Job Details dialog box (General tab, Backup Prefix). For more information, see Viewing Details of a Job.

  • Internal Backup ID

    The internal backup job ID that SAP HANA creates.

    You can view the internal backup job ID on the Job Details dialog box (General tab, Internal Backup ID). For more information, see Viewing Details of a Job.

Check Access

Select this check box to verify that all the backups required for the recovery operation are available.

Initialize log area

Select this check box to initialize the log area after the restore.


  • Initializing the log area clears the log area so that no log entries from the area can be replayed. Log entries are replayed as required during the restore from the log backups.

  • To know more about the difference between point-in-time restores run from Commvault software vs HANA studio, see Troubleshooting SAP HANA Data Agent.

The log entries are replayed if needed. Use this option when the log area is unusable, or to recover the database to a different system.

Use Delta Backups

Commvault recommends that you use this option.

Select this option to recover the data by using the delta backups. If you do not use a delta backup for the recovery option, the software only uses the log backups for recovery.

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