SAP Oracle IntelliSnap Restore Operations


As part of your overall data protection planning, plan restore operations for your SAP Oracle database.

For more information about planning your restore operations, see Restore Backup Data.

Restore Objectives

Your objective for restoring data determines the process that you must follow and the restore destination.

Restore data from a range of time

You can browse and restore data data that is from a range of time. Typically, you restore this data to an out-of-place destination

Restore to a point in time

If your database becomes corrupted or otherwise invalid, you can restore the database to a point in time before the database became unusable. Typically, you restore this data to an in-place destination.

Restore Destinations

The destination where you restore your data is determined by your restore objective. Generally, you perform an in-place or an out-of-place restore.

In-place restore

When you restore a database in place, you restore it to the same path on the same client from which the database was backed up.

Out-of-place restore (Database Copy)

When you restore a database out of place, you can restore it to any one of the following destinations:

  • A different client from which the database was backed up

  • A different path on the same client from which the database was backed up

  • A different database on the same client from which the database was backed up

  • A different instance on the same client from which the database was backed up

SAP for Oracle IntelliSnap using Azure NetApp Files

To perform revert operations for SAP on Oracle IntelliSnap using Azure NetApp Files, do the following:

  1. Add the sUSE_FILE_LEVEL_REVERT additional setting and set the value to N.

  2. Create individual mount points for the SAPARCH, ORAARCH, and SAPBACKUP, and SAPDATA folders.


When you perform the revert operation at the volume level, the Commvault software reverts only the SAPDATA volume.