Setting Logging Parameters in the Process Manager


You can customize some of the parameters for log files, such as the type of log entries included in the files and the size of log files, by adjusting settings on the Logging tab in the Process Manager. This is useful if you want to set logging rules for all computers in the CommCell environment. The changes to the settings are effective for the duration of a week.


  1. Open the Commvault Process Manager.

    For example, click the Windows Start menu, and from the list of apps, under Commvault, click Process Manager.

  2. Click the Logging tab.

  3. In the row of the module you want to update, double-click inside the cell under one of the following columns:

    • Debug Level

      Limits the type of log entries that appear in the log file. Type a number from 1 to 99. Events that appear in the log file are categorized from 1-most important to 99-least important.

    • File Size (MB)

      Sets the maximum megabytes (MB) for a log file. The maximum default size of the log file is 5 MB. Type a number from 10 to 50. When a log file reaches its maximum size, the file is rolled over to an additional file: <filename>_1.log.

    • File Versions

      Sets the maximum number of additional log files created when a log file reaches its maximum size and rolls over. Type a number from 1 to 10. When a log file reaches its maximum size, the log file is renamed <filename>_<timestamp>.log and a new log file is created. For information on the default maximum number of versions, see Default Maximum Number for Log File Versions.

    • Debug Wait

      Note: This setting is for developers only. Creates a delay (in seconds) before the module opens. The delay is commonly used to attach a debugging application to the module so that the developer can find errors in the code.

  4. Click Apply.

    To return to default values, click Reset All.

Log Files and Matching Executable Files

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