Setting Up Subscription-Based Alerts

You can configure Job Management Data Protection and Data Recovery alerts to be sent to laptop clients. When configuring subscription-based alerts, a CommCell administrator can select the laptop clients or client groups that will receive alert notifications. Client owners of the selected clients are automatically subscribed to the configured alert notifications.

Note: Subscription-based alerts are only available to laptop clients and client groups.

By default, the following subscription-based alerts are available to client owners in the Web Console:

  • No backup for last 4 days

    This is a Job Management - Data Protection alert which sends an individual email notification to client owners when no backup occurs in the last 4 days.

  • Recovery Job failed Alert

    This is a Job Management - Data Recovery alert which sends an individual email notification to client owners when a restore operation fails.

About This Task

All client owners can subscribe to or unsubscribe from subscription-based alerts via the Web Console. For information on how client owners subscribe or unsubscribe, see Setting Up Data Management Alerts.

If you want to control which client owners can see the subscription-based alerts in the Web Console, see the instructions in Controlling the Client Owners Who Can See Alerts in the Web Console.


  1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Home tab, click Alerts.

  2. In the Alerts dialog box, click Add.

  3. On the General Information page, enter a name for the alert in the Display Name box.

  4. To create an alert to monitor backup operations, select Job Management and Data Protection from the Category and Alert Type panes, respectively.

  5. Select the Subscription based alert check box and then click Next.

  6. Select the laptop clients or client groups that you want to associate with this alert and click Next.

  7. Select the notification criteria to be used and click Next.

    For example to monitor failed backup jobs, click Job Failed.

  8. Select the way in which the alert is to be sent to its intended recipient:

    • To send the alert as an email, on the Email tab, select Select [Email] for notification.

    • To display the alert on the console, on the Console Alert tab, select Select [Console Alert] for notification.


      • Only email and console alert notifications are supported for subscription-based alerts.

      • The wizard skips the User(s) and User Group(s) Selection page for subscription-based alerts.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Review your selections on the Summary page and then click Finish.
