Setting Up Windows Event Viewer Alert Notifications


You can configure alert notifications to appear on the CommServe computer using Windows Event Viewer.

For all alerts related to backup and restore operations, the following information is sent to the Windows Event Viewer:

  • ContentStore is the Source

    Note: In older or upgraded environments, Galaxy is the Source. To change the Source to ContentStore, add the UseContentstoreAsEventSourceName additional setting to the CommServe computer.

  • 256 is the Event ID

The following is an example of a Windows Event Viewer notification alert:



  1. Create an alert.

  2. On the Notification Type(s) Selection page, click the Event Viewer tab to send the alert to the System Event Viewer.

  3. Click the Select [Event Viewer] for notification check box.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Review your selections on the Summary page.

  6. Click Finish.

Alert Tokens

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