


Save (or delete) CosmosDB or Blob Storage account used by Download/Exports framework shared by all web servers in the commcell.

Description: Save (or delete) CosmosDB or Blob Storage account to be used by Download/Export framework shared by all web servers in the commcell.

  • Parameter Details - Below are the arguments that can be passed.
  • organizationName -> Name of Company to apply storage config. Specify as CommCell to apply config to MSP and/or all companies.

    Use this parameter in conjuction with allowGlobalInheritance as appropriate.

    AccountType -> BlobStorage or CosmosDb

    OpType -> Use ENABLED or DISABLED to create or save setting in enabled or disabled state.

    Use REMOVE or DELETE to remove the setting.

    Use ENABLE or DISABLE to update status of setting.

    allowGlobalInheritance -> This parameter matters only when organization name is set to CommCell

    Setting this value to 1 -> Inherits CommCell level configuration to be applied to all companies and also all MSP users.

    Setting this value to 0 -> Config will be applied only to MSP users.

    AccountName -> Name of Blob Storage OR CosmosDb account. This is optional when opType is any of following: DELETE, REMOVE, ENABLE, DISABLE

    AccountKey -> Account Key needed to connect to Blob Storage OR CosmosDb. This is optional when opType is any of following: DELETE, REMOVE, ENABLE, DISABLE


    Script_Name: SetWebServerSharedStorage

    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn SetWebServerSharedStorage.sql -si organizationName -si AccountName -si AccountKey -si AccountType -si OpType -si allowGlobalInheritance

    Usage Example: qoperation execscript -sn SetWebServerSharedStorage.sql -si organizationName -si AccountType -si OpType -si allowGlobalInheritance

    Description: Save (or delete) CosmosDB or Blob Storage account to be used by Download/Export framework shared by all web servers in the commcell.

    Parameter Details - Below are the arguments that can be passed.

    organizationName -> Name of Company to apply storage config. Specify as CommCell to apply config to MSP and/or all companies.

    Use this parameter in conjuction with allowGlobalInheritance as appropriate.

    AccountType -> BlobStorage or CosmosDb

    OpType -> Use ENABLED or DISABLED to create or save setting in enabled or disabled state.

    Use REMOVE or DELETE to remove the setting.

    Use ENABLE or DISABLE to update status of setting.

    allowGlobalInheritance -> This parameter matters only when organization name is set to CommCell

    Setting this value to 1 -> Inherits CommCell level configuration to be applied to all companies and also all MSP users.

    Setting this value to 0 -> Config will be applied only to MSP users.

    AccountName -> Name of Blob Storage OR CosmosDb account. This is optional when opType is any of following: DELETE, REMOVE, ENABLE, DISABLE

    AccountKey -> Account Key needed to connect to Blob Storage OR CosmosDb. This is optional when opType is any of following: DELETE, REMOVE, ENABLE, DISABLE

    RegionName -> Name of the region to apply storage config . This is always required in case of ContentExtractorAKS 4 and AzureRedisCache 3 storage type


    • Scope: All
    • Platform: CommServe (Database: CommServ)
    • Release: 11.0.0

    Disclaimer of Warranties

    CommVault provides software tools and utilities on an "as is" basis, as a courtesy and convenience to its users, and they may be changed from time to time without notice. These tools and utilities are provided without express, implied, or statutory warranties of any kind. You assume full risk and responsibility for the selection, possession, performance and proper installation and use of the software tools and utilities, and for verifying the results obtained there from. Your use of CommVault software tools and utilities indicates your unconditional acceptance of the above disclaimer.

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