Silo Retrieve Job Summary Report


About this Report

The Silo Retrieve Job Summary Report displays summary and detailed information about jobs that retrieve backup data from secondary storage and save the data back into primary storage in the CommCell.

When to use this Report

You can use the Silo Retrieve Job Summary Report to review a summary of silo retrieve jobs for agents and detailed information for each retrieval job during the specified time period. This report is useful if you need to know:

  • A summary of silo retrieve jobs that ran on each specified client

  • The client source and destination

  • The total objects successful, skipped, or failed to be restored

  • The start time and end time or current phase for each job

  • The duration of the job

  • The failure reason and description, if applicable

What this Report Contains

This report presents the data in the following sections:




This table provides summary information about silo retrieve jobs that ran in the CommCell. Information displayed in the table includes:

  • Total number of silo retrieve jobs that ran for each agent

  • The total number of jobs that were completed, completed with errors, killed, or unsuccessful

  • The number of jobs that are still running, did not run, or were not scheduled to run

  • The total number of protected objects, failed objects, and failed folders


This table provides information about the silo retrieve jobs that ran on each client. Information displayed in the table includes:

  • The ID, client name, agent and instance for each job

  • The user who set up the job

  • The start and end time, or current phase of each job write

  • Failure reasons, error codes, and descriptions, if applicable

How to Generate the Report

You can generate the default version of any CommCell Report on demand in the CommCell Console.

Before You Begin
  • Your CommCell user account must be assigned to a role that has the Report Management permission.

  • To view report data for an entity, your CommCell user account must have an association with that entity.

    For more information on users, permissions, and associations, see User Administration and Security - Overview.

  1. On the CommCell Console menu bar, select the Reports tab, and then click Job Summary.

    The Report Selection dialog box appears with Job Summary (Web) selected by default.

  2. From the navigation pane, click Job Summary (CommCell Console).

  3. On the General tab, click Data Recovery Jobs > SILO Retrieve.

  4. Click Run.

    The report appears in your default Web browser.

Scheduling the Report

  1. In the CommCell Console, select the Reports tab, and then on the ribbon, click the button for the report that you want to schedule.

    The Report Selection dialog box appears.

  2. Configure the report as needed.

  3. In the Report Selection dialog box, click Schedule.

  4. On the Schedule Pattern tab, in the Schedule Name box, enter a name for the schedule.

  5. Select the interval at which you want the report to run: One Time, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.

  6. In the Start Time box, type the time of day when you want the report generation to begin.

  7. Under Repeat, specify the exact times and days that you want the report to run.

  8. Click Ok.

Customizations That You Can Perform With This Report

You can further customize the report by using the tabs that are available in the Report Selection dialog box. The following table describes the available report options for this report.




You can generate any of the Job Summary reports from this tab, including the Silo Retrieve Job Summary Report. You can also filter the jobs that appear in the report by entering a job description. In addition, you can group the report information by agent, client, job ID, and storage policy.


You can set the report to display information for all computers from the CommCell or select individual clients with the Modify option. You can set the report to include all agent types in the CommCell, or select individual agent types with the Modify option.


On this tab, you can set the report to include information regarding diagnostics, contents, and other job details. Set any of the following options:

  • Include failure reason and associated events

  • Include failed objects and successful files

  • Include job options, job description, and client description

  • Allow dynamic content for associated events and job options


On this tab, you can set the report to include information regarding job status, throughput unit, and set the job time. Set any of the following options:

  • Include jobs that are in active, completed, delayed, failed, killed, completed with errors, and completed with warnings status

  • Show throughput unit in GB/hour or MB/second

  • Show data size in GB or MB

  • Display the job time according to the time zone that is set on the CommServe or the client computer

Time Range

You can choose to include information from a specific time range in the report.

  • Choose a number of hours, days, or weeks from the list. The report information ends at the time that you generate the report.

  • Select a time zone, and then enter a range of time from a specific date and time to another specific date and time.

  • Set the report to start at the first job that occurred in the CommCell, or enter a specific date and time in the Jobs On section.

  • Set the report to end at the last job that occurs in the CommCell before you run the report, or enter a specific date and time in the Jobs On section.


You can set the report output to appear in one of several formats and save it to a variety of locations. All options for the output format are not available for all report types. Set any of the following options:

  • Generate the report in an available format.

    • HTML: Full version, the shorter Summary version, or Mobile Device Format

    • Text separated by commas or tabs

    • PDF

    • XML

  • Enter a location to save the report in one of these locations:

    • A client computer in the CommCell

    • A shared network drive

    • An FTP Location. Click Settings to specify an FTP location that is different than the default.

  • Choose a language from the Choose Locale list to set the report to appear in that language.

  • Select Date and Time, and then select a format from the list to set the format in which the date and time appears in the report.

Additional Options

The following table describes additional operations that you can perform with the reports feature:



Related topics

Saving the Report Output

You can save the report output to a specified location.

  1. In the CommCell Console, select the Reports tab, and then on the ribbon, click the button for the report that you want to save.

    The Report Selection dialog box appears.

  2. Configure the report as needed.

  3. Select the Output tab, and then from the Output Format section, select a file format.

  4. Select Output To, and then enter the location to which you want to save the report.

    • To save the report to your local computer, select Use Local Drive On, and then in the Report Copy Location box, enter a location.

    • To save the report to a shared network drive, select Use Network Share, and then in the Report Copy Location box, enter a location.

    • To upload the report to an FTP site, select FTP Upload, and then click Settings to enter the FTP location and your credentials.

      You can use the default FTP location configured for the CommCell, or you can enter a different FTP location and credentials.

  5. From the Choose Locale list, select the language in which you want the report to appear.

  6. At the bottom of the Report Selection dialog box, click Run.

    The report opens in the file format that you specified and a copy of the report is saved to the location that you entered.

Saving a Report as a Template

You can save the report settings as a template in the CommCell Console, and then run the report at any time.

  1. In the CommCell Console, select the Reports tab, and then on the ribbon, click the button for the report that you want to make into a template.

    The Report Selection dialog box appears.

  2. Configure the report as needed.

  3. At the bottom of the Report Selection dialog box, click Save As.

    The Save As dialog box appears.

  4. Select Save a Report, and then enter a name for the template in the box.

  5. Click OK.

    The report template appears in the CommCell Browser under Reports > My Reports.

Generating a Report from a Template

You can generate a report from a template at any time.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Reports > My Reports, and then click General.

    The General tab appears in the CommCell Console.

  2. In the General tab, right-click the name of the report that you want to generate, and then select Run Immediately.

    The report opens in the format that is specified in the template.

Modifying a Report Template

  1. In the CommCell Browser, go to Reports | My Reports | General.

    The General tab appears in the CommCell Console.

  2. In the General tab, right-click the name of the report that you want to change, and then select Edit.

    The Saved Reports dialog box appears.

  3. Select the Report Details tab, and then make changes on any of the available tabs.

  4. Click OK to save your settings.

Cloning a Report Template

  1. In the CommCell Browser, go to Reports | My Reports | General.

    The General tab appears in the CommCell Console.

  2. In the General tab, right-click the name of the report that you want to clone, and then select Edit.

    The Saved Reports dialog box appears.

  3. Select the Job Initiation tab, and then select Saved Report.

  4. Select Clone this report as, and then enter a name in the box.

  5. Click OK.

    The cloned report appears in the General tab.

Deleting a Report Template

  1. In the CommCell Browser, go to Reports | My Reports | General.

    The General tab appears in the CommCell Console.

  2. In the General tab, right-click the name of the report that you want to delete, and then select Delete.

    A message appears that asks if you are sure that you want to delete the selected Report Template.

  3. Click Yes.

    The report is removed from the General tab.

Setting a Report Alert

This option allows users or user groups to get an automatic notification when a report is created. Follow the steps given below to set up the criteria to raise notifications/alerts:

  1. In the CommCell Console, select the Reports tab, and then on the ribbon, click the button for the report that you want to set alerts for.

    The Report Selection dialog box appears.

  2. Configure the report as needed

  3. At the bottom of the Report Selection dialog box, click Schedule.

    The Schedule Details dialog box appears.

  4. Configure the schedule as needed.

  5. Select the Notification tab, and then click Add Alert.

  6. From the Add Alert Wizard dialog box, select the types of notifications that you want to send, and then click Next.

  7. Add recipients to the selected list.

    • To add a recipient that is a user in the CommCell, from the Available list, select a user, and then click Add.

    • To add a recipient that is not a user in the CommCell, in the Email to Recipients box, type an e-mail address.

  8. Click Next, and then click Finish.

  9. Click OK.

Refer to Alerts.

Saving a Report as a Script

The Command Line Interface allows you to generate reports from the command line. The commands can be executed from the command line or can be integrated into scripts. You can generate command line scripts for specific operations in the CommCell Console by using the Save As Script option.

To create an XML script that generates a report:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Reports > My Reports, and then click General.

    The General tab appears in the CommCell Console.

  2. In the General tab, right-click the name of the report that you want to save as a script, and then select Edit.

    The Saved Reports dialog box appears.

  3. Select the Job Initiation tab, and then click Save As Script

    The Save As Script dialog box appears.

  4. Enter the appropriate settings to generate a script file.

    1. From the Client list, select the name of the client where you want to save the script.

    2. In the Path box, enter the file path where you want to save the script, and then enter a name for the script file at the end of the path.

      Ensure that the name of the file contains the .xml extension

    3. Click OK to create the script.

      A message appears that says that the script saved successfully.

    4. Click OK.

  5. The Save As Script and the Saved Reports dialog boxes close.

Refer to Command Line Interface.