SMTP Journaling Configurations for the On-Premises Exchange Server


The process of configuring SMTP journaling uses both the Commvault software and the Exchange server.

Before You Begin

You must have a thorough understanding of journaling and of defining journal rules on the Exchange server. Consult the Microsoft documentation before you install the Exchange package and configure the ContentStore Mailbox. For example, see the article on the Microsoft TechNet site that corresponds with your version of Exchange.


Standard journaling and Premium journaling is supported.

Standard journaling: Journal all messages that are sent to and received by mailboxes on a specific mailbox database. To journal all messages in your organization, you need to configure journaling on all mailbox databases on all Exchange servers.

Premium journaling: Use journal rules to journal messages based on recipients (all recipients or specified recipients), and scope (internal messages, external messages, or all messages). Premium journaling requires Exchange Enterprise client access licenses (CALs). For more information about CALs, see Exchange Server Licensing.

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