Snapshot Configuration Properties of the Dell EqualLogic Storage Array


The Snap Configuration tab contains properties that affect the behavior of the storage array in your environment.


If you don't select the Auto Update Array Host Aliases check box, then you must manually enter any aliases for the array in the Array Host Aliases list. If you specify a list of aliases in the Array Host Aliases property to manually control the names for the array, then clear the Auto Update Array Host Aliases check box. Aliases are important for recognizing an array during snapshot backup jobs. An array can have multiple hostnames, IP addresses, or user configured names, which might be accessible by the client that initiates the snapshot creation.



Storage Device Group

The name of the storage pool to create clones in.

Use Device only from this Group

If you select this option, then only snapshot devices that are available in the storage pool that is specified inStorage Device Group are used.

MPIO Logout Retry Count

The number of retry counts for using multiple sessions of target device.

Mount Retry Interval (in seconds)

The time interval (in seconds) after which the next mount operation is attempted.

The default value is 300 (5 minutes).

Mount Retry Count

The number of retry attempts for a mount operation.

The default value is 5.

Remote Snap MA

The client name of the MediaAgent that you want to use as the Remote Snap MediaAgent.

Auto Update Array Host Aliases

If you select this option, then aliases can be added by the snapshot engine during a backup job, or while adding the array.

By default, this property is selected.

Array Host Aliases

The list of aliases that can be accessed by the array. If you manually enter aliases by creating this list, then clear the Auto Update Array Host Aliases check box.

The list is useful when array aliases cannot be detected automatically, or when duplicate assets might be detected between arrays that are shared by the same array access node.

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