System Requirements for Edge Drive Index Server

The index server provides the following functions:

  • stores metadata

  • provides content indexing, if it is configured

  • browse and search archived files

The following tables contain the recommended system requirements for deploying Index server for Edge Drive.

Index Server Size Without Content Indexing

Use these guidelines to select the appropriate hardware for your index server if you do not use content indexing. In this case, archiving and cleanup operations are considered.




Objects (estimated)

100 million

50 million

25 million

Source data size*

50 TB

25 TB

12.5 TB


16 cores

8 cores

4 cores


32 GB

16 GB

8 GB

Disk space

(SSD class disk recommended)

500 GB

250 GB

125 GB

* Based on the assumption that every file has a maximum of 5 versions, and the average file size is 500 KB.

Index Server Size With Content Indexing

Use these guidelines to select the appropriate hardware for your index server if you use content indexing. In this case, archiving, cleanup, and content indexing operations are considered. The entire file is content indexed.




Objects (estimated)

60 million

30 million

15 million

Source data size*

20 TB

10 TB

5 TB


32 cores

16 cores

8 cores


64 GB

32 GB

16 GB

Disk space

20 per cent of source data (up to 6 TB)

10 per cent of source data (up to 3 TB)

5 per cent of source data (up to 1 TB)

* Based on the assumption that every file has a maximum of 5 versions, and the average file size is 500 KB.


To get higher scalability for content indexing files from backups, you can turn off the generate previews option on the Search Engine node. When generate previews is off, each search node can accommodate approximately twice the number of objects per node. For example, in a large enterprise, this would be approximately 40 TB of source data (about 60 million objects), and the required disk space is 15% of source data (up to 6 TB).
