Updating Properties of a Storage Policy Using XML Files



You can use following XML files to edit the properties of a storage policy:

  • XML_updatesp.xml - Use this XML to edit properties of a storage policy

  • XML_updatesp_incremental.xml - Use this XML to change the incremental storage policy of a storage policy

  • Changecopyprecedence.xml - Use this XML to change the precedence of a storage policy copy

  • Reassociateallsubclients.xml - Use this XML to reassociate all the subclients of a storage policy to another storage policy

  • ReassociateMultiplesubclients.xml - Use this XML to reassociate only specific subclients of a storage policy to another storage policy

  • Delete_SP.xml - Use this XML to delete the storage policy

Editing Properties of a Storage Policy

The following table displays the parameters you can use with the commands.

qoperation execute -af <template XML file> -<parameter name> <value>



Parent Element


To change the number of device streams available to perform backup or restore operations for all of the subclients that use the storage policy.

Minimum value: 1 stream

Maximum value: 600 streams



To change the description of the storage policy.



To change the name of the storage policy.



To enable or disable stream randomization for backup or archive jobs.

Valid values are: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable).



To distribute data evenly among streams.

Valid values are: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable).



To edit the default block size of 128 KB for block level deduplication.

Valid values are: 32, 64, 128, 256 and 512.


  1. Download the XML_updateSP.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base folder after you substitute the parameter values.


    • To change the name of a storage policy from SP1 to SP2.

      qoperation execute -af <download location>\XML_updateSP.xml -storagePolicyName SP1 -newStoragePolicyName SP2
    • To change the number of streams available for storage policy SP1.

      qoperation execute -af <download location>\XML_updateSP.xml -storagePolicyName SP1 -numberOfStreams xx
    • To enable stream randomization for storage policy SP1.

      qoperation execute -af <download location>\XML_updateSP.xml -storagePolicyName SP1 -randomizeStream 1
    • To distribute data of a storage policy SP1, evenly among available streams.

      qoperation execute -af <download location>\XML_updateSP.xml -storagePolicyName SP1 -distributeDataEvenlyAmongStreams 1
    • To edit the default block size of 128 KB for block level deduplication.

      qoperation execute -af <download location>\XML_updateSP.xml -storagePolicyName SP1 -sidbBlockSizeKB 128

Changing the Incremental Storage Policy

  1. Download the XML_updateSP_incremental.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\XML_updateSP_incremental.xml -storagePolicyName "xxxx" -incrementalStoragePolicy -storagePolicyName "xxxx"

    To change incremental storage policy for storage policy with name SP1.

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\XML_updateSP_incremental.xml -storagePolicyName "SP1" -incrementalStoragePolicy -storagePolicyName "SP_Inc"

    SP_Inc will be used as an incremental storage policy for SP1.

Associating a Log Storage Policy to a Storage Policy

  1. Download the SPupdate_log.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\SPupdate_log.xml -storagePolicyName "xxxx" -logStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName "xxxx"

    For example: To associate a log storage policy with name SP_log to a storage policy with name SP1.

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\SPupdate_log.xml -storagePolicyName "SP1" -logStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName "SP_log"

    SP_log will be used as the log storage policy for SP1.

Changing the Copy Precedence of a Storage Policy Copy

When a copy is configured, the system automatically assigns it a copy precedence number. By default, when you perform browse or restore operations (without specifying copy precedence), the software attempts to browse or restore data from the storage policy copy with the lowest copy precedence. If the media for the copy with the lowest precedence is offsite, damaged, or if hardware resources are unavailable, then you can change the copy precedence of a copy. Use the following steps to change the precedence of a copy:

  1. Download the ChangeCopyprecedence.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Edit the template and specify the name of the copy and its precedence.

    For example: The existing precedence of Copy A and Copy B are as follows:

    • Precedence of Copy A is 1

    • Precedence of Copy B is 2

    Now you want to change the precedence as follows:

    • Precedence of Copy A will be 2

    • Precedence of Copy B will be 1

    To change the copy precedence, edit the template as follows:

  3. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base folder:

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\ChangeCopyprecedence.xml

Reassociating Specific Subclients of a Storage Policy to Another Storage Policy

  1. Download the reassociateMultipleSubclients.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Edit the template and specify the name of the existing storage policy, new storage policy and name of the subclient.

    If you want to associate the same new storage policy with multiple subclients, you can specify names of all the subclients.

    For example: The default subclient of client1, created for a file system backup is associated with the storage policy SP1. To associate the subclient with storage policy SP2, edit the template as follows:

             <appName>File System</appName>
  3. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base folder:

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\reassociateMultipleSubclients.xml

Reassociating All the Subclients of a Storage Policy to Another Storage Policy

Use the following steps to reassociate all objects (for example, subclients, instances) currently associated with one storage policy to another storage policy:

  1. Download the reassociateallsubclients.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base directory:

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\reassociateallsubclients.xml -currentStoragePolicy/storagePolicyname "xxxxx" -newStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName "xxxxx"

    For example: 3 subclients are associated with the storage policy SP1. To associate all these subclients to storage policy SP2, execute the following command:

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\reassociateallsubclients.xml -currentStoragePolicy/storagePolicyname "SP1" -newStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName "SP2"

Allow Subclient Association to a Storage Policy

The subclient association to a storage policy is not allowed when all of the following conditions are true:

  • The Average QI time for the past 14-days of a DDB partition has reached 80% of the two millisecond threshold.

  • The Total number of Unique blocks of the DDB exceeded 200 million blocks, that is, the backend data size is approximately 20 TB or higher.

    For DDB with multiple partitions, the Total number of Unique blocks for each partition needs to exceed 200 million blocks.

If you must assign subclients to the same storage policy even though it has reached its threshold, you can eliminate the restriction for an additional 30 days (grace period).

The following table displays the parameters you can use with the commands.





Name of the storage policy.


  1. Download the subclient_association.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base directory after substituting the parameter value.

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\subclient_association.xml

Deleting a Storage Policy

You may decide to delete a storage policy in the following scenarios:

  • The data that was backed up through that storage policy is no longer required.

  • Data no longer exists on the storage policy and you have no plans to use it for future backup operations.

Warning: When you delete a storage policy, the associated data is logically deleted and you can no longer access the corresponding data from CommCell Console for recovery purposes.

Before deleting a storage policy, you must perform the following:

  • Re-associate all subclients of the storage policy to another storage policy.

  • Re-associate all the DDB subclients of the storage policy to another storage policy and perform the DDB backup job.

  • Ensure that any data aging, restore or auxiliary copy jobs are not running for the storage policy.

  • Download the Delete_SP.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  • Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base directory:

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\Delete_SP.xml -storagePolicyname "xxxxx"

    For example, to delete a storage policy SP2.

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\Delete_SP.xml -storagePolicyname "SP2"

Performing a Start Over Operation on a Storage Policy

When corruption of a storage media happens, you can perform start over operation on the associated storage policy that automatically converts the next backup job as full backup job for all the subclients.

You can use XML to perform a start over operation.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Download the StartOver.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base directory:

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\StartOver.xml -storagePolicyname "xxxxx" -bSealDDB 1


    • storagePolicyname: Name of the storage policy.

    • bSealDDB: Option to seal the deduplication database (DDB) for a deduplicated storage policy or a Global Deduplication Storage Policy (GDSP). Specify 1 to seal the DDB.

    For example, to perform start over operation for a deduplicated storage policy "SP2" with sealing of the DDB.

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\StartOver.xml -storagePolicyname "SP2" -bSealDDB 1