User Requirements for Viewing Data Analytics Reports

The user (or user group to which the user belongs) must have an association to the CommCell entity (CommCell, client, or client group) with a role that includes the required permissions to viewing Data Analytics reports.

The association must be one of the following entity types:

  • Client, to view reports created at the client level.


    Users can view reports for clients for which they are listed as an owner.

  • Client Group, to view reports created at the client group level.

  • CommCell, to view all Data Analytics reports.


When associating entity types, choose the least restrictive entity for each type of user. For example, master users who should be able to view all reports can have an association with the CommCell entity, but users who should only see a limited set of reports can have an association with the client or client group entities that you want them to access.

The association must have a role with the following permissions:

  • For CommCell users, Browse (under the Client node).

  • For Active Directory users, End User Access (under the Client node).

  • File Analytics (under the Analytics node).

  • Email Analytics (under the Analytics node).

  • Optional: To schedule or email the reports from the Web Console, the user (or user group to which the user belongs) must also have an association to the CommCell entity with a role that includes the Report Management permission (under the Global node).

For more information about adding associations, see the following topics:
