Viewing the Data Verification Status of the Backup Jobs


When a data verification job is run, you can view the data verification status of the jobs.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Policies > Storage Policy > storage_policy.

  2. Right-click the appropriate storage policy copy, and click View > Jobs.

  3. In the Job Filter for Storage Policy dialog box, clear the Specify Time Range check box, and then click OK.

  4. In the Job for Storage Policy window, the status of the verified jobs appear in the Data Verification Status column.

    The following status appears for backup jobs when the deduplicated data verification job is run.

    Data Verification Status


    Picked for verification

    A job has been picked for a data verification operation.


    A job was successfully verified and is good for restore and an Auxiliary Copy operation.


    A job has invalid data blocks.

    During subsequent backup jobs, the new data blocks are not referred to the invalid data blocks. As a result, new baseline data for invalid data blocks is written to the storage media.


    A job was partially verified. This status is set when the data verification job is stopped during the verification process.

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