Viewing Multiple CommCells in the CommCell Console


You can view multiple CommCell environments in the CommCell Console. Jobs and events from all of the CommCell environments are available in the Job Controller and Event Viewer windows.


This feature is available on an "as-is" basis.

About This Task

Job-level operations are available:

  • Kill, suspend, and resume

  • Add an alert

Additional operations are available for the main CommCell environment:

  • Running reports

  • Running or modifying workflows

Before You Begin

Do the following if you are logging on to the stand-alone CommCell Console:

  1. Create a text file named "MultiCommcellList" that contains a list of the CommCell names you want to view in the CommCell Console. Each CommCell name must be on a new line.

  2. Place the MultiCommcellList file in the software_installation_path\GUI folder.

  3. Users logging on to a multi-CommCell environment must have the same user name and password for all CommCell environments in the MultiCommcellList file. For example, all of the CommCell environments have a user account where the user name is admin and the password is U7du3*.


Stand-Alone CommCell Console

  1. On your computer, find the shortcut for the Commvault CommCell Console.

  2. Right-click the application icon, and select Properties.

  3. From the Commvault Administrative Console Properties dialog box, select the Shortcut tab.

  4. In the Target field, add -multiCommcell=true. For example, "C:\Program Files\Java\java_version\bin\java.exe" -jar cv.jar CChost16 8401 -oemid= 1 -multiCommcell=true.

  5. Launch the CommCell Console from the shortcut.

  6. Log on with the common user account.

    The CommCell names you added to the MultiCommcellList file appear in the CommCell Browser.

  7. Optional: To view CommCell environments that are not in the MultiCommcellList file, do the following:

    1. On the Home tab, click Connect to CommServe.

    2. In the Select CommServe to connect dialog box, click the CommCell name you want to view in the CommCell Browser.

    3. If the Job Controller and Event Viewer windows are open, close and then reopen them.

Web-Based CommCell Console

  1. In a web browser, type the URL of the computer where the CommCell Console is installed followed by /console, for example, URL: http://CommServe_name:port/console.

    A JNLP file is created.

  2. Save the JNLP file, and then open it in an editor.

  3. Inside the <application-desc main-class="commvault.CX"> element, add <argument>-multiCommcell=true</argument> as shown:

    <application-desc main-class="commvault.CX">
  4. Save the modified JNLP file, and then launch the CommCell Console from the JNLP file.

  5. On the Home tab, click Connect to CommServe.

  6. For each CommCell you want to see in the CommCell Browser, in the Select CommServe to connect dialog box, click the CommCell name.

  7. If the Job Controller and Event Viewer windows are open, close and then reopen them.