Ansible Configuration File Section Names

The Ansible configuration file contains sections that specify values for configuring certain settings.

Section name



Specifies all Pages nodes, using FQDNs.


Specifies all Block nodes, using FQDNs.


Defines each HPod group in a separate [hpod{n}] group, where n is a number from 1 to n. Put three distinct cluster nodes (using FQDNs) in each HPod group, but do not put the same cluster node in more than one HPod group.


Specifies each node in the hpod{n} group, followed by -weight=n.n.

For example:


Add this section only if the Ansible configuration file is latency-aware. The latencyaware key in the [all:vars] section specifies whether the file is latency-aware.


Specifies each HPod group as a child of the [hpod:children] group.


hpod2 ...


Specifies each HA storage proxy pair in a separate [ha-cvm-pair{n}] group, where n is a number from 1 to n.

The order in which the pairs are numbered is unimportant, but the numbering must be strictly increasing from 1.


Specifies a corresponding [ha-cvm-pair{n}:vars] group for each HA storage proxy pair group.





Specifies each HA CVM pair group as a child of the [ha-cvms:children] group.


ha-cvm-pair2 ...


Specifies [ha-cvms] as a child of the [cvms:children] group.



Do not modify the values in this section.


Do not modify the values in this section.


Do not modify the values in this section.


See Values for [all:vars] in the Ansible Configuration File.


Do not comment-out any of the keys in this section, even if you do not enter a value for them.
