Hedvig Cluster Hardware and Resource Guidelines

This section describes guidelines for Hedvig Cluster hardware and resources.

Cluster Storage Node Guidelines

  • A minimum of 9 hard drives and 3 SSDs are required to run Hedvig components. The hard drives are typically used for the data, and the SSDs are used for metadata and commitlogs.

  • Enterprise-grade SSDs and/or flash devices should be used to ensure reliability and sustained performance.

Storage Proxy Guidelines

  • Client-side caching should be implemented in environments that use block and/or file storage.

  • PCIe Flash devices and/or SSDs can be used to support client-side caching for one or more of the following components:

    • Metadata

    • Full-block data (for both block and NFS)

    • Dedupe hash

  • PCIe-based NVMe/SSD devices are best suited for client-side caching (as compared with SAS/SATA SSDs) because they can be easily configured as pass-through devices for the Hedvig Storage Proxies.

Virtual Lab Configuration Recommendations

For functional testing in virtual lab environments, use the following configurations:

Storage Cluster Node - Minimum

  • CPU - 8 vCPU

  • Memory - 32 GB

  • OS disk - 50 GB

  • Other disks - 9 x 25 GB

Storage Proxy

  • Use the ova supplied, which is 4 vCPU and 8 GB RAM.

Other Configuration Recommendations

For physical server and Hedvig Storage Proxy configurations, contact your local SE for recommendations based on use cases.
