Setting Up Hedvig Storage Cluster Nodes

To set up a Hedvig Storage Cluster Node, you first set up CentOS Minimal, assign hostnames, and then enable jumbo frames (if supported).


  1. On each storage cluster node machine, install the most recent CentOS Minimal (7.7, as of this Hedvig release), following these guidelines:

    • Make sure that the system disk for the OS is at least 128 GB in size.

    • Set up as root partition and swap space (this is not the default method):

      • root (/) partition – A minimum of 120 GB or a full disk.

      • swap space – Leave as the CentOS default.


        If you use Automatic Partitioning, the system may reuse the /home partition in the future.

  2. To each storage cluster node, assign hostnames that are FQDNs (fully qualified domain names). If the DNS (domain name system) is available, these hostnames must be resolvable by the DNS.

    For rack aware and data center aware deployments, the hostnames must be in the following format so that Hedvig can determine the network topology of the hosts:

  3. If your network supports jumbo frames, enable jumbo frames on the host and on ESXi, following these guidelines:

    1. Log on to each storage cluster node or storage proxy as the root user.

      ssh root@<storage_cluster_node> or <storage_proxy>

    2. To the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens160 file, add the following entry:



      Do not enter a different value for MTU (maximum transmission unit).

    3. Save the file and exit.

    4. Restart the network.

      systemct1 restart network
    5. Verify that the jumbo frames are enabled end-to-end by running the following command on one of the hosts:

      ping -M do -s <MTU - 28> <remote_host>

      For example:

      ping -M do -s 8972 host2

For more information about enabling jumbo frames on ESXi, see the VMware documentation about jumbo frames.
