Adding the Content Indexing Data Classification Plan to a File Server


Add the content indexing data classification plan to a file server or to a subclient on the file server. File server data that is backed up is content indexed according the settings in the plan.

Before You Begin

Create a data classification plan for content indexing.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > File servers.

    The File servers page appears.

  2. Click the file server.

    The file server page appears.

  3. Add the plan to the file server or to a subclient on the file server:

    • To add the plan to the file server, do the following:

      1. On the Configuration tab, in the Content indexing section, next to Data classification plan, click Edit.

        The Edit plan dialog box appears.

      2. From the Plan list, select the plan.

      3. Click Save.

    • To add the plan to a subclient, do the following:

      1. On the Overview tab, under Subclients, click the subclient.

        The subclient properties page appears.

      2. On the subclient Overview tab, in the Content indexing section, next to Data classification plan, click Edit.

        The Edit plan dialog box appears.

      3. From the Plan list, select the plan.

      4. Click Save.

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