Adding an Instance for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

To manage a database, you can either use an existing instance or add a new instance.

Before You Begin

  • AWS recommends that you use a reader endpoint for read-only access and a cluster endpoint for write access. For more information, see the following documentation on the Amazon Aurora website:

    By default, the Commvault software automatically discovers and displays the cluster endpoint and uses it for both read-only access (backups) and write access (restores). To use both a reader endpoint (for backups) and a cluster endpoint (for restores), create two separate cloud accounts to maintain a separate instance for each endpoint. That means you should create two different instances, one for each type of operation. Use the respective instance and endpoint combination according to the type of operation—that is, read-only access for backups and write access for restores.

  • Configure the permissions to access AWS resources. Download the amazon_rds_dumpbased_backup_restore_permissions.json file and use it on the AWS command line to apply all the permissions.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.

    The Instances page appears.

  2. Click Add instance, and then select Cloud database service.

    The Add Cloud DB instance dialog box appears.

  3. From the Select vendor list, select Amazon Web Services.

  4. From the Database service list, select RDS.

  5. Select the Backup method as Export.

  6. From the Database engine list, select Aurora PostgreSQL.

  7. From the Cloud account list, select an existing cloud account or create a new cloud account.

    The cloud account is represented in Commvault as a hypervisor. For instructions to create an Amazon EC2 hypervisor, see Configuring Backups for Amazon EC2 Instances.

  8. From the Plan list, select a server plan.

  9. From the Instance name list, select an instance.

  10. In the Database user box, type the user name to access the Aurora PostgreSQL application.

  11. If you are not using the AD authentication, in the Password box, type the password to access the Aurora PostgreSQL application.

  12. In the Maintenance DB box, type the name of the system database that is used as the maintenance database.

  13. To specify the endpoint, in the Endpoint box type the name of the endpoint to connect to the database instance.

    The endpoint value is automatically discovered, based on the instance you selected. The endpoint value is not displayed, but by default it is the cluster endpoint and is used for both read-only access (backups) and write access (restores). See the Before You Begin section on this page for more information.

  14. If SSL is enabled on the cloud, move the Use SSL options toggle key to the right, and then in the SSL CA file box, enter the SSL CA file path in the proxy computer.

  15. Click Add.


  • The new instance contains a dump-based backup set and a default subclient.

  • When you add an instance, a default database group is automatically created. The default database group includes all the data in the PostgreSQL database. You cannot delete the default database group.
