Changing the Location of the Index Log Cache Directory


You can change the location of the index log cache directory on a MediaAgent, in order to help distribute the MediaAgent's disk resources.

By default, the IndexCache directory stores all index databases and all index action logs.

After you change the location of the index log cache directory, content is stored as follows:

  • IndexCache directory: Stores only the index databases

  • New index log cache directory: Stores the index action logs and other non-essential index data


During this procedure, all backup jobs that use the index are automatically suspended.

Before You Begin

The new index log cache directory location must meet the following requirements:

  • If you put the new index log cache directory on the same volume as the IndexCache directory, the volume must have enough free space to store two complete copies of the index action logs. When the software moves the directory, there are temporarily two copies of the index action logs.

  • Use a file system that is dedicated to index data so that non-index data does not consume index capacity.

  • Do not put the new index log cache directory in the following types of locations:

    • A compressed drive

    • The CommServe computer, unless you have only one MediaAgent that is also on the CommServe computer

    • For Windows, under the software_installation_directory

    • For UNIX, the root directory

  • The path, including the name of the directory itself, must not include the following:

    • More than 75 characters

    • The "!" character

    • Unicode characters


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Infrastructure.

    The Infrastructure page appears.

  2. Click the MediaAgents tile.

    The MediaAgents page appears.

  3. In the MediaAgent column, click the MediaAgent that you want to change the location of the index log cache directory for.

    The MediaAgent page appears.

  4. In the Index Cache section, click Edit.

    The Edit Index Cache Properties dialog box appears.

  5. To change the index cache directory, in the Index cache path, browse and select a new directory.

    The software automatically moves the existing index cache to the new directory.

  6. Move the Enable logs cache toggle key to the right.

  7. In the Logs cache path field, enter the new index log cache directory.


    The path, including the name of the directory itself, must not be more than 75 characters.

  8. Click Save.

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