Consolidation Rules for Purchased and Used Virtualization Instances (VOI) in Licensing Reports

If you purchased Virtualization licenses under an older licensing structure, you can view all Virtualization license consumption under the Virtual Operating Instances (VOI) license in the License Summary Report, the License Summary Worldwide Report, the Subclient Peak Usage Report, and the License Server Usage report. All VMs are counted in the VOI calculation.

Older Licensing Structure

If your company is still using licenses purchased under an older Commvault licensing structure, then you can still view all your license usage under VOI in the licensing reports.

Licenses Purchased:

  • Protected Virtual Instances (Protected Virtual Machines)

  • Application Class Virtual

  • Archived VM

License Report VOI Counts:

  • VOI Purchased = Purchased Protected VM

  • VOI Used = The total number of distinct clients in VOI + Protected Virtual Instance (including Kubernetes) + Archived VM + Application Class Virtual.

Transitioning Licensing Structure

If your company is using both licenses purchased under an older Commvault licensing structure and the most current licenses, then you can still view all your license usage under VOI in the licensing reports.

Licenses Purchased:

  • Protected Virtual Instances (Protected Virtual Machines)

  • VOI

  • Application Class Virtual

  • Auto Recovery (optional)

License Report VOI Counts:

  • VOI Purchased:

    • If the number of purchased Protected Virtual Instances equals the number of purchased VOI, then the Purchased column displays the number of Protected Virtual Instances (Protected Virtual Machines).

    • If the number of purchased Protected Virtual Instances (Protected Virtual Machines) does not equal the number of purchased VOI, then the Purchased column displays the number of Protected Virtual Instances (Protected Virtual Machines) + VOIs.

  • VOI Used: The total number of distinct clients in VOI + Protected Virtual Instance (including Kubernetes) + Archived VM + Application Class Virtual.

Current Licensing Structure

If your company is using only the most current licenses, then you can view all your license usage under VOI in the License Summary Report.

Licenses Purchased:

  • VOI

  • Application Class Virtual (optional)

  • Auto Recovery (optional)

License Report VOI Counts:

  • VOI Purchased = Purchased VOI

  • VOI Used = Used VOI

No VM Licensing

If your company purchased no VM licensing,

Licenses Purchased:

  • Data Protection Backup Infrastructure

  • Data Archive Enterprise Infrastructure

  • Data Protection Snapshot

  • Data Protection Replication

License Report VOI Counts:

  • VOI Purchased = License not purchased

  • VOI Used = The total number of distinct clients in VOI + Protected Virtual Instance (including Kubernetes) + Archived VM + Application Class Virtual.
