Customizing the Navigation Menu for One Company or All Companies


You can customize what users see in the navigation menu. You can customize the navigation menu for only one company or for all companies.

To change the navigation menu for individual user groups, see Setting the Navigation View for a User Group.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Customization.

    The Customization page appears.

  2. Click the Navigation tile.

    The Navigation preferences page appears.


    On the Navigation preferences page, to expand or collapse all of the navigation nodes, click the plus (+) or minus (-) icon in the first cell of the table.

  3. To customize the navigation menu for only one company, in the upper-right corner of the page, from the Select a company list, select the company.

  4. To hide a navigation item, in the appropriate user persona column, clear the check box for that item.

    For example, to prevent CommCell users from seeing the Configuration node and all the configuration sub-nodes, in the CommCell user column, clear the check box for Configuration.

  5. To display a navigation item, in the appropriate user persona column, select the check box for that item.

  6. In the upper-right area of the page, click Save.

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