New Features for Storage in 11.24

HyperScale X Version 2.2

The following new features are added to HyperScale X .2.2 version:

Cloud Storage

Adding a Secondary Credential to Access the Cloud Library Mount Path

You can add a secondary cloud storage credential, which can be used by clients that have the Storage Accelerator package, to access the cloud library mount path. You can use the secondary credential to prevent clients that have the Storage Accelerator package from gaining full access to the cloud storage library by creating the secondary credential with only read and write permissions to the mount path. (Delete permission can be omitted for the Storage Accelerator.) Also, when you set up the MediaAgent with a secure access role (such as AWS IAM role) to access the cloud storage library, you can create this secondary access credential for clients that have the Storage Accelerator package.

For more information, see the following:

Support for Combined Storage Class for Huawei Object Storage Cloud

Combined storage tiers which provides simplified, cheaper, and quicker data recalls from cloud storage is now supported for Huawei Object Storage Cloud.

For more information, see the following:

Index Backup Retention Report

The Index Backup Retention report displays information about indexes that are backed up on media, as well as the backup jobs they are protecting.

For more information, see Index Backup Retention Report.
