Options for Conversion to OpenStack


When you restore a VM from a different hypervisor to OpenStack, provide OpenStack-specific values for the restore operation.

Restore Options

  • Restore as: Select OpenStack.

  • Access node (Optional): To use a different proxy, select a Windows or Linux proxy from the list.

    By default, the preferred VSA proxy for the hypervisor is used for the restore.

  • Destination: Select an OpenStack hypervisor from the list.

  • If you are restoring multiple VMs, click the All VMs tab on the bottom left to specify configuration values for all destination instances, or the name of each instance to specify values individually. Specify the following values:

    • Enable edit destination VM name (when restoring multiple instances): Select this check box, select Prefix or Suffix, and then enter a string to be appended to the original display name to create new destination instance names.

    • Instance name (when restoring an individual instance): Enter the display name for the converted instance.

    • Availability zone: Click Browse to browse defined availability zones and select a host.

    • Volume type: Select a volume type that is defined for the zone of the source volumes.

    • Flavor: Select a flavor that is at or above the original configuration.

    • Security group: Select a predefined security group that defines the required network access.

    • Key pair: Select a key pair that identifies the ownership for the converted instance.

    • Network interface: Select a network interface that is available in the destination.

  • Power on instances after restore: Start the OpenStack instance automatically after the conversion completes.


    If this option is not selected during the restore, Openstack instances will power on after creation and will immediately power off. This is due to the limitations of the Openstack APIs that are used for restores.

  • Unconditionally overwrite if it already exists: Delete an existing instance and replace it with the converted instance.

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