Replication Configuration Methods


VM replication is controlled through replication groups. During the process of setting up Virtualization, you added the hypervisors that you need to back up. You can also add additional hypervisors or configure the software to discover new VMs automatically. When you create a replication group, you select the VMs that you want to replicate.

Methods to Configure Replication for VMs

Array-Based Replication

The configuration required for array-based replication is different from VM replication. For more information, see Array-Based Replication for Virtual Machines.

Monitoring Replication

After configuring replication, you can use the Replication monitor to check the status of replication, or to initiate a failover from a primary site to a secondary site where VMs have been replicated.

MSP Environments

In managed service provider (MSP) environments, tenant administrators and tenant users can perform only a few replication operations.

To perform replication operations, a CommCell administrator must associate a proxy VM and a recovery target with the tenant administrator. Then, the tenant administrator must associate VMs with tenant users so that the tenant users can also perform replication operations.

Tenant administrators can perform the following operations:

  • Create a replication group.

  • Create a failover group.

  • Perform backup, restore, failover, and failback operations.

  • Monitor replication.

Tenant users can perform the following operations:

  • Perform backup, restore, failover, and failback operations.

  • Monitor replication.