Additional Configuration for the DB2 Agent


You can customize various options for the DB2 Agent, including the following options:

  • The log file threshold

  • The DB2 audit error path

  • The DB2 retrieve path

  • The DB2 archive path

  • Automatic log file backups


  • If DB2 audit error path, DB2 retrieve path, DB2 archive path are customized, make sure that each of the paths use separate paths.

  • By default, the sDB2_ARCHIVE_PATH, sDB2_AUDIT_ERROR_PATH, and sDB2_RETRIEVE_PATH paths are set to paths that are specified during the DB2 Agent installation. These paths are commonly used across all the instances and databases. If you define DB2 paths per instance or database, you must note that the <Software_Installation_Directory>\etc\CommVaultRegistry\Galaxy\Instance001\Db2Agent\.properties file contains default paths and newly-added paths.

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