Advanced Restore Options (General)


Use this dialog box to access additional restore options. Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the component installed on the client.

Automatically Detect Regular Expressions

Specifies whether to use regular expressions in defining the Source Paths. This does not apply to Filter Paths. When selected, the system will recognize supported regular expressions (wildcards) in the specified Source Path. When cleared, the system will read the specified Source Path as literal.

Skip Errors and Continue

Enable restore jobs to continue when media errors are encountered during the restore. This option also provides an output file that lists the full path names of the files that failed to restore.

Use Exact Index

This option enables you to use the index associated with the data protection operation performed at a specific time or the latest index. By default, the system uses the index associated with the most recent data protection operation when your Browse the data.

Cross Hardware restore

Select this option when you are performing the cross hardware restore of the system state. During the system state restore, the system protected files are always overwritten. If you are performing the cross hardware restore, the drivers on the destination computer may be different than the drivers on the source computer. In such scenario, it is recommended to not overwrite the any data under %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Drivers folder. Select this option if you do not want to overwrite any data in the %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Drivers folder.

For Windows Vista and higher versions of Windows, the system protected files will be overwritten only if the files on the media is newer than the file in the destination computer.

Validate Only

Validation verifies that the backup data in the MediaAgent computer is intact and usable for restores. This feature performs a quick check by comparing the data size received for each file and the total size of the file during the backup operation. If the two sizes do not match, the validation process fails the restore operation.

This feature enables users to identify data loss issues and errors on the MediaAgent computer before an actual restore operation starts.

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